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Lab News 2019

December 2019: Ajeet has accepted a new position as a Research Assistant Professor at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center!

November 2019: Congratulations to Ajeet and Amy (co-first-authors), Mike and Matt (second and third authors), Rebecca and Bailey (co-authors), and our many collaborators (including the Buchon lab) on the publication in CMGH of our paper on miR-7 in the intestine!

October 2019: Congratulations to Amy (who serves as lead author) and Matt (who serves as second-author) on our paper recently published in Frontiers in Physiology!

September 2019: Congratulations to Rowan, who serves as first-author, and Matt, who serves as co-author, on our paper recently published in Archives of Toxicology!

September 2019: Praveen is appointed as the new Director of the Center for Vertebrate Genomics.

August 2019: Petruta joins the faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences at Kutztown University — congratulations!!

July 2019: The intercampus collaborative project initiative has renewed our seed grant on microRNAs in colon cancer for another year!

June 2019: Congratulations to Amy, Matt, Petruta, Rebecca, and all other co-authors on the publication of our study entitled “Acute suppression of insulin resistance-associated hepatic miR-29 in vivo improves glycemic control in adult mice” in Physiological Genomics.

May 2019: Congratulations to Tim (Dr. Dinh!) on the successful defense of his thesis titled “Genome-scale approaches to identifying novel regulators of fibrolamellar carcinoma”.

April 2019: The Van de Walle and Sethupathy labs have been awarded a Feline Health Center grant to study microRNAs in feline mammary cancer!

March 2019: Check out here an invited review article co-authored by Praveen published in Nature Reviews.

February 2019: Read here about the burgeoning collaboration between the Sethupathy and Cummings labs on bariatric surgery, metabolic disease, and colitis!

February 2019: Congratulations to Tim, Matt, the entire FLC team, and all of our collaborators on the publication of our study on miR-375 as an onco-suppressor in FLC.  Click here to check out a highlight of this study in the Cornell Chronicle.  Special thanks to the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation for their support of our work!

January 2019: Congratulations to Alisha on her second first-author manuscript titled “MicroRNA-146a association with the cardiometabolic disease risk factor TMAO” published in Physiological Genomics!


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