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Lab News

April 2024: Delighted to share our work on the role of non-coding RNA LINC00473 in fibrolamellar carcinoma – congratulations to lead-author Dr. Rosanna Ma and many outstanding collaborators in the lab and across the country.  Highlighted by CVM news here.

March 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Kieran Koch-Laskowski on the publication of her lead-author paper on single-cell analysis of intestinal epithelial adaptations to bariatric surgery – great collaboration with Darleen’s Sandoval group!  Check out Kieran and her work highlighted by the NIH here.

February 2024: Aberrant miR-29 is a predictive feature of severe phenotypes in pediatric Crohn’s disease – congrats to lead-authors Alexx Shumway and Dr. Mike Shanahan, and to all of our excellent UNC collaborators!  Highlighted by Cornell Chronicle here.

January 2024: Check out Praveen as a guest on the Cornell Vet Podcast!

December 2023: Highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle.

December 2023: Congratulations to Jenna and all co-authors on the recent publication in Environmental Health Perspectives, a premiere journal in human health & toxicology!  Special shout-out to key collaborators at UNC.

December 2023: Our collaborative work with the Van de Walle group has been highlighted by the Cornell Chronicle!

November 2023: Five stars for Kieran and Rosanna, both of whom gave simply outstanding thesis defenses this month!  So proud and excited for their next steps.

October 2023: Ended the sabbatical with a bang hosted by amazing colleagues at Fred Hutch Cancer Center and officially started position as Chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences!

September 2023: Congrats to Alexx and Kieran on being selected for flash talks at the FASEB GI epithelium meeting in Colorado, and to Mike for a poster presentation!

August 2023: Rosanna concludes her incredibly stimulating and successful internship at Alnylam in Boston — welcome back, Rosanna!  Also, Alexx was selected to present at the Cornell MBG retreat and hit it out of the park — congratulations!

July 2023: Don and I were awarded the HHMI Gilliam Fellowship!  So delighted to see his talent and promise recognized this way and very pleased to be a part of the Gilliam community.  Congratulations!

June 2023: Jon moves on to his post-doctoral fellowship in the lab of Jason Spence at the University of Michigan.  What a privilege it’s been to serve as his mentor these past 7 years since his days as a post-bac!

May 2023: Mini-sabbatical in the UK from June to October!!  Also, Kieran is selected as a 2023 Colman Inclusive Leadership Fellow — great pick!

April 2023: Collaborator (and sister!), Dr. Priya Rajasethupathy, is awarded the 2023 MIND prize!

March 2023: Jenna rocked it at the 2023 SOT annual meeting poster session!

February 2023: Congratulations to Alexx for receiving a competitive travel award to the Kenneth Rainin 2023 Innovations Symposium!

January 2023: We are very pleased to share the fruits of a delightful collaboration with the Collins lab (NHGRI/NIH) to carry out the largest microRNA study to date in human pancreatic islets, published in PNAS.  See here for press releases from Cornell and the NIH.



Lab News 2022
Lab News 2021
Lab News 2020
Lab News 2019
Lab News 2018
Lab News 2017
Lab News 2016

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