Research Faculty
Ajeet Singh, Ph.D. (2016-2020)
Staff Scientists
Rebecca Cubitt (2017-2023)Position in the lab: Technician and mouse colony manager Matt Kanke, Ph.D. (2015-2022)Position in the lab: Bionformatics Analyst Ramja Sritharan, M.S. (2017-2020)Position in the lab: Technician Wendy Pitman, Ph.D. (2016-2019)
Graduate Students
Alaa Farghli, Ph.D. (2020-2024)Position in lab: Genetics, Genomics and Development PhD Student Kieran Koch-Laskowski, Ph.D. (2019-2024)Position in lab: Combined Degree DVM – PhD Student (Biomedical and Biological Sciences) Rosanna Ma, Ph.D. (2019-2024)Position in lab: Biomedical and Biological Sciences PhD Student Jon Villanueva, Ph.D. (2017-2023)Position in lab: Biomedical and Biological Sciences PhD Student Adam Francisco, Ph.D. (2017-2022)Position in the lab: Biomedical and Biological Sciences PhD Student Ben Keith, Ph.D. (2016-2020)Position in the lab: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology PhD Student Rowan Beck, Ph.D. (2016-2020)
Post-doctoral Fellows
Yu-Han (Amy) Hung, Ph.D. (2017-2022)
Undergraduate and Post-baccalaureate Students
Ramin Herath, B.S. (2022-2024)Position in lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Sara Albert, B.S. (2021-2024)Position in lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Mary Winnicki, B.S. (2021-2023)Position in lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Carlos Po, B.S. (2021-2022)Position in lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Yutong Zhu, B.S. (2021-2022)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Emily Liu, B.S. (2020-2021)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Lawrence Kwong, B.S. (2019-2021)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Andrew Massa, B.S. (2017-2020)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Assistant Grace Cho (2017-2018)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Scholar Jonathan Villanueva, B.S. (2016-2017)Position in the lab: Post-baccalaurate Research Scholar Ennessa Curry, B.S. (2016-2017)Position in the lab: Post-baccalaurate Research Scholar Eva Vitucci, B.S. (2015-2016)Position in the lab: Post-baccalaurate Research Scholar Kevin Currin, B.S. (2014-2015)Position in the lab: Post-baccalaurate Research Scholar John Sincavage (2015-2016)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Scholar Sydney Feinstein (2014)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Scholar Brendan Bulik-Sullivan (2012)Position in the lab: Undergraduate Research Scholar |