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Lab News 2022

December 2022: We’re ending the year with a celebratory bang!  Congratulations to Jon on the publication of his first-author paper, Rosanna on being selected for the college Graduate Scholar Award, and Alaa for being accepted to the CSHL Computational Genomics course.  Happy holidays, everyone!

November 2022: Delighted to share that Jon has been awarded the Provost’s Diversity Fellowship for Advanced Doctoral Students!

October 2022: Congratulations to Alexx for being selected as a Center for Vertebrate Genomics (CVG) Scholar for her excellent proposal to study post-transcriptional regulation in Crohn’s disease!

September 2022: I am very honored to have been selected as the inaugural recipient of the Boehringer Ingelheim Award for Excellence in Summer Research Mentorship — special thank you to all of my trainees and colleagues for your support!

August 2022: Congratulations to our post-doc extraordinaire, Amy Hung, who is moving on to a senior scientist position in the Bardeesy lab at Harvard / Mass General Cancer Center!  November 2022 Update!  Amy has accepted a position as a Principal Scientist in the Translational Bioinformatics Group at Bristol Myers Squibb — hurray!

June 2022: Hearty congratulations to Adam Francisco on the successful defense of his thesis and securing a new position as a post-doc in the Lin HHMI lab at Cornell!!

May 2022: Congratulations to our incredibly talented undergrads Lawrence Kwong, on being accepted to Weill Cornell for medical school, and Yutong Zhu, on being accepted to Cornell for a PhD program in Computational Biology!!

May 2022: Delighted to have collaborated with Darleen Sandoval and team on this work describing the mechanisms by which bariatric surgery (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) promotes the intestinal endocrine system.  Congrats to all authors including Kieran and Amy in our lab!

April 2022: Praveen is promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences!!

April 2022: Congratulations to Adam Francisco, who serves as first-author on our recent publication in JCI Insight about new molecular insights into fibrolamellar carcinoma!  Kudos also to Matt Kanke and all co-authors on this collaborative effort.

March 2022: Collaboration with Styblo lab (UNC) leads to paper published in Archives of Toxicology on microRNA regulators of the effects of arsenicals on diabetes phenotypes.  Congrats to lead-authors Jenna Todero and Kieran Koch-Laskowski, and all other co-authors!

February 2022: A 2+ year labor of love has been completed!  See here at Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology for our roadmap article on fibrolamellar carcinoma research.

January 2022: Our single-cell analysis of colon tissue from treatment-naive adult Crohn’s patients has been accepted at CMGH!  Congratulations to lead author Matt Kanke and all of our collaborators here at Cornell and at UNC!  Check it out here!

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