Nicolas Lou

PhD Candidate in the Therkildsen lab, Affiliated with the Searle Lab

Research Interests

Nicolas is broadly interested in the application of genomic tools in the conservation and management of biodiversity. He has completed a rotation project in the Searle lab on the phylogeography of the Atlantic silverside. Currently, he is working on the genomic basis of local adaption in the Atlantic cod, as well as the molecular mechanisms underlying its rapid evolution in response to size-selective fishing and climate change. With these, he is hoping to identify potential causes of the collapse of many important cod fisheries. In addition, he is developing practical molecular tools for the species and sex identification in non-model fish species, for the benefit of management agencies and the aquaculture industry.

Brief CV

  • 2016 – BS in Environmental Science, University of California, Los Angeles
  • 2016-Present – PhD student, Cornell University
    • 2016-2017 Presidential Life Sciences Fellow


Lou RN, Fletcher NK, Wilder AP, Conover DO, Therkildsen NO, Searle JB (2018) Full mitochondrial genome sequences reveal new insights about post-glacial expansion and regional phylogeographic structure in the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia). Marine Biology 165:124. doi: 10.1007/s00227-018-3380-5.[springer]

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