Marriage Story

Untraditional in the way the story began, with the end of a marriage, viewers get a comedic, but also very sad glimpse into the messy collapse of a relationship. The couple, who both have roots and professions in the art and entertainment industries, thought they shared the same dreams, but their shared reality proves otherwise. Frequently getting into heated arguments and even tantrums, we see that the thin line between love and hate has crossed. In one of the most poignant scenes of the movie, when they have their most intense conflict, there is just pure venom-like words coming out of their mouths; however, while saying these cruel things, they manage to slip in terms of endearment like “honey” and show the sweetness of love, which momentarily offers hope that everything will be ok, but quickly dissipates. We saw that they both harbored intense feelings of anger and regret that has damaged them immensely, that it just seems the right thing to do to split ways. In all, the film was very complex in the feelings but it was well executed.

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