Of firsts

I’ve been volunteering at BJM since my first semester at Cornell, which was four semesters ago. It’s crazy how much time has gone by. It might seem cliche, but it really does feel like I just met Mrs. Stacy and the rest of the BJM gang yesterday. My first day volunteering at BJM this year was as heartening as most of my visits are. I got to sit down to catch up with Mrs. Stacy who I had missed a lot over the break. It’s nice to wind down after a long day and get to talk so leisurely and comfortably with someone who shares some of the same passions as me. I missed Mrs. Patel who was out for sometime because of an injury. But, Mrs. Sarah was there to cheer me up and laugh with me as we colored with the kids. As visits have come and gone, I’ve found that some days are busier than others, when the kids have a lot of energy and they want all of your attention, while on those others, they tend to play and work on their own, only coming up to you to talk occasionally. I enjoy this constant change. Every visit is a new experience, even on the slowest days. As someone who wants to be a teacher in the future, this is a comfort and something that excites me. Days will be challenging, some may be boring, others may be great. But everyday will be a new adventure, no matter how similar it might look to previous days.

One thought on “Of firsts

  1. I loved your closing lines! I work with kids on a bi-weekly basis and I can easily agree that everyday is a new adventure with these children