Judge Miller discusses the “pendulum” of time that we live in

My favorite part of Judge Miller’s talk in Rose Cafe was the interesting point about the “pendulum” of time that we currently live in. There have been only a handful of extremely critical times in American history where big change is imminent–and this is one of them. Our generation has a lot of power to influence the future direction of this country and direct the changing tides. I thought this was a very optimistic way to finish the Rose Cafe on Wednesday with an outlook on the potential of our generation to steer history into a better direction. I also thought Judge Miller’s observation about the two most pressing issues in our country was spot on–if we can provide equitable healthcare and education to everyone, this would significantly level the playing field for all people in this country to have access to the same opportunities.

One thought on “Judge Miller discusses the “pendulum” of time that we live in

  1. I also agree with Judge Miller’s point that we currently live in a pendulum of time, as our current generation has the power to significantly alter the course of history. I also agree with Judge Miller’s point that we need to put an emphasis on education and healthcare instead of on wars and incarcerating people. This would, in my opinion, provide a great boost in opportunity for people of all social and economic backgrounds. However, I see it being very unlikely that Congress takes action on fixing education or healthcare unless people, including our generation, demand change, as Congress does not currently prioritize these issues. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on these important points from Judge Miller’s discussion.