
I attended the Rose Cafe discussion hosted by Professor Peter Enns last week. Though we talked about a myriad of topics. One that stuck out to me was the differences in “changes” that we have observed about one month into President Trump’s presidency.   Compared to former President Barack Obama, it seems that Trump wants to create change as fast as possible. This has been illustrated by his Immigration ban policy, where he wants to keep people out of the country. From CNN, Trump’s policy is supposed to bar citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days and suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days. This is not only problematic fro our country, but also problematic for the world. However, if this executive order were to go through the people that voted for our president will get what they wanted, accelerated change.

When it comes to this ban from the United States, I think about the people that look towards our medical care for help because it is world class. I also think about the people that want to come here for better opportunities. That is what our country is about. I feel that this particular exclusion by our commander and chief, who is the representative of the country could change the United States. However, I do not think for the better.


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