Usually when it comes to the art events I am really good at it and I get really into it. This time not so much. In this event you had to make a collage with a map. I had a lot of trouble figuring out and understanding how I can make a map express who I am. All I could think of was that I’m from California so I just cut out a map of California. Another reason why I had trouble could be was that I was also just stressed out that day and this event reminded me of the Java project I had to do, which was about writing an algorithm for the shortest path in a map.
I usually consider myself creative and artistic, but I think everyone has their own mode of how they like to express themselves. Maybe the problem I had was that I thought of my approach too geographically. I could have just cut the shape of things that represented me by using the map. I could have had trouble figuring out what to do with the map because I don’t use a physical map ever in my daily life. If I need to go somewhere I just type it into Google Maps and don’t really think about where I am going. There’s no connection with maps for me.
I think if this event was towards the beginning of the year when I am in a different head space and not so stressed out by classes I would have been more able to express myself.