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Supporting the Grass-fed Milk Market with Education and Benchmarks

The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program has granted Cornell Cooperative Extension in partnership with the University of Vermont funds as part of a 3-year project to study and establish benchmarks for the grass-fed milk market.

This project will be completed in phases, starting with an initial survey sent to 100% grass-fed farmers in the Northeast. Farmers that indicated they were interested in participating in the project further were then sent a follow-up survey. From the responses gathered upon return of the second survey, 25 farms were selected to participate in a 2-year monthly reporting program: the Grass-fed Monitor.

The Grass-fed Monitor is a monthly data collection tool that participating farmers fill out and mail in. The tool collects milk production information as well as forage intake specific from pasture or stored feed, along with other farm information that will remain anonymous.

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