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Technical Publications and Guidebooks:

Transitioning to Organic Dairy Production
by MOSES (pdf)

Transitioning to Organic Dairy Workbook
by NOFA-NY (pdf)

Organic Dairy Checklist
by NOFA-MASS (pdf)

The Organic Dairy Handbook
by NOFA-NY (pdf)

Dairy Animal Acquisition under National Organic Program Regulations
United States Department of Agriculture (pdf)

Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies (2013)

A Review of Silage Additives and Enzymes
 Limin Kung, Jr., PhD. Dept of Animal and Food Sciences University of Delaware (pdf)

Milking videos from family dairy farms, watch at and

Animal Health Care Manual

Cornell AEM Deep Bedded Pack Study

Cornell AEM Economic and Time Use Report on Bedded Pack Barn

Organizations and Networks

New York State Organic Farming Resource Center
An introduction to New York State organic farming and food. Provides some guidance in locating resources available to learn more about organic agriculture and organically produced foods.

Lakeview Organic Grain
Resource for high quality organic feed and seed.

NOFA NY – Northeast Organic Farming Association of NY 
Oldest and larges organization in New York devoted to organic and sustainable farming

NOFA – Dairy Farm Certification 
Information on the organic certification of farm crops, dairy farms and handling operations.

Organic Livestock & Grazing Resources (pdf)
A collection of resources for alternative animal health products, organic mineral packages,fertilizer and grain, animal health consultants and more.

Yahoo email group for organic dairy producers

Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance – NODPA
Resources for dairy farmers, production educators, certifiers and consumers

Organic Certifying Organizations Serving Northeast Producers (pdf)

Business Tools

Organic Dairy Managing for Success Workbook
by NYFVI (pdf)


Where can I find more information about going organic?

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