HWA Talk at Wells College
Learn about this invasive aphidlike insect that feeds exclusively on hemlock trees. An Asian native first documented in the U.S. in the 1950s,
hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) now occurs in 13 states, including New York.
During the past decade, HWA has been associated with widespread, severe decline and mortality of eastern hemlock trees, like those
on the Wells campus that shade streams and provide habitat for other species. Learn about HWA: its identification, its spread, its treatment,
and its potential to damage native environments. A short hike on campus will follow the talk to see first – hand the small infestation of HWA discovered last year; dress appropriately for the weather.
Talk by Stefan Lutter, Cornell Cooperative Extension Environmental Resource Educator
4-5:45pm Zabriskie Hall Rm 212, Wells College
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