Alfalfa-Grass 1st Cutting Quality – 17 May 2021 Report

Our May 17th Alfalfa-Grass Quality Monitoring Report has just been posted to our website here.


Across the region, alfalfa and grasses progressed nicely over the past week with our cool and wet weather. Alfalfa height averaged 18.6”, up 4.8″ from last week.


60 to 100% grass fields are reaching and surpassing peak quality now. Peak quality for a 60% grass field typically occurs when alfalfa is 20” tall. We recommend checking your grass fields to evaluate where heads are by feeling for them inside stems. Peak grass quality is when that head is just about to emerge out the top of the stem – late boot stage. This week, we observed orchardgrass heads anywhere from 9” above the soil surface to newly emerged out of the stems.


The general order of grass species heading date from earliest to latest in NYS is:  Orchardgrass  >  Perennial ryegrass  >  Smooth bromegrass  =  Tall fescue  >  Reed canarygrass  >  Timothy.  Be sure to check the earliest varieties first.


It is now too late to apply N to first cutting grass fields. Apply urea or manure immediately after first harvest to capture N with 2nd cutting regrowth.


The North Country has received from 0.5” to 2.0” of rain so far in May, resulting in a very welcomed reduction in dry soil conditions. The Abnormally Dry and Moderate Drought classified areas in NYS have been reduced from 84% of the state to 28% with the last bit of Moderate Drought still present along the St. Lawrence/Franklin County border.

Click the map at right for a larger view.