Safe Harvest 2020: COVID-19 Office Hours for Producers REGISTER HERE

Safe Harvest 2020: COVID-19 Office Hours @ 12:30 PM, September 15

Cornell CALS and Cornell Cooperative Extension are hosting office hours for farmers and packers to answer any questions they might have about managing and responding to protect the farm workforce during COVID-19. Office hours will be held each Tuesday through September. Registration is FREE but REQUIRED.

REGISTER for COVID-19 office hours at 12:30 PM EDT, September 15

The September 15 office hours will be held at 12:30 PM EDT and are open to all types of farmers, including dairy. It will feature the North Country with brief reports from:

  • Tim Simonette, Principal Public Health Sanitarian with Clinton County Public Health, will provide an update on testing in the region.
  • Kelsey O’Shea, Ag Business Management Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension’s North Country Regional Ag Team, will share updates about COVID-19 prevention on farms.

Other experts from Cornell Institute for Food Safety, and New York Departments of Health and Agriculture & Markets will also be available to answer questions.

Participants can log in from a computer or call in from a phone to ask questions or just to listen. A panel of experts will field questions. Questions that experts cannot immediately answer will be recorded, reviewed and answered later. The upcoming weeks are critical as seasonal harvest and the workforce ramps up.

If you would like to submit a question in advance, complete the “Questions & Comments” box when you register or ask it live during office hours.