FeedForm Diet Formulation Tool

FeedForm is a diet formulation package built in Microsoft Access that runs under the Windows operating system. It is available as an MDB file for users who have Microsoft Access installed on their computers. It is available in a runtime package for those who do not have Microsoft Access installed on their computers.

  • Download for those who have Microsoft Access installed on their computers 
    FeedForm zip file. This file is incompatible with Microsoft Access 2013 under Microsoft Windows 7, but seems to work otherwise. Instructions: Download the zip file and extract the files to a new folder on your computer. Click on FeedForm.mdb to start the program.
  • Download for those who do not have  Microsoft Access installed on their computers
    Click here 
    for 177 MByte runtime package. This is a large file because it includes a runtime version of Microsoft Access.

FeedForm Documentation

FeedForm calculation notes (for MLT)



Choose a management area

Cornell Small Ruminant Management List Server
Click here to join the Cornell University sheepgoatmanagement list server. The purpose of the list server is to ask about and exchange information about sheep and goat management.

Cornell Sheep Program Home

Frequently used

Solar grazing

From Cornell University

Dairy sheep

From other academic and Extension sources 

From industry


  • ASI Sheep Care Guide
  • Sheep & Goat Research Journal
  • Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep: Breeds, Care, Facilities (search for this on-line)
  • The Sheep Book (by Ron Parker) (search for this on-line)



Jessica R. Waltemyer, Extension Associate
PRO-Livestock NYS Small Ruminant Specialist
118 Frank Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

tatiana L. Stanton, Extension Associate (Retired)
Goat Specialist
114 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

Niko Kochendoerfer, PhD Student and Graduate Assistant
110 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

Cornell Cooperative Extension Field Educators

Interns, Students, and Volunteers

Major revision: October 2015
Please contact Niko Kochendoerfer at nk584@cornell.edu if you can't find something from the previous version.
Copyright © 2015 Michael L. Thonney

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