First Semester and Second Semester MechE Graduation Audits & 2015 Anticipated Graduation Early MAE M.Eng.

MechE’s:   Are you planning to:

1. Graduate after you complete the Fall 2014 semester (January 2015 degree)?

2. Graduate with your B.S. in 2015 and plan to pursue an M.Eng. in MAE:  Interested in starting Early M.Eng.–concurrently completing ug degree and begin M.Eng. degree in your final ug semester?

3. Graduate after you complete the Spring 2014 semester?

4. Graduate after completing Summer 2014?

Nanette will be contacting you to schedule appointments in the order of 1-4 (see above).  Final Audits for May 14 and August 14 students will begin mid-semester.  Advisor Approved Electives are due May 1, 2014 for graduating seniors.

Please come to your first graduation audit with a checklist completed (as best you can).  For example of completed checklist from B.S., M.E. 2011: Example of Graduation Checklist for Senior Audit

AP liberal studies typically count as 1000-level.

Transfer courses are not included in your Cornell cumulative g.p.a.  Only courses taken at Cornell are included in your Cornell cum gpa.  Your Major gpa is calculated by using the courses listed on the right side of the graduation checklist.





For MechE Seniors – Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Info

The registration for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam is now open.  You may register for the exam on the NCEES website:

 The exam is now a computer based test and the nearest testing locations to Cornell are Endicott (Binghamton) or Syracuse.   Here are some details about the exam.

  1. The exam can be taken in any state if that is more convenient, and you might choose to take it over January break or Spring break at home. 
  2. The registration fee is $225. 
  3. The exam is offered:  January-February, April-May, July-August, October-November. 
  4. You must choose a module for the afternoon session.  In the past most students have chosen “other disciplines”.  Please see link for an overview of the topics in the different modules before deciding:  
  5. Students who have received or will receive their Bachelors from an accredited ABET program Do Not need to fill out NYS Form 1 or Form 2.

 Students who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from an educational institution outside of the US or from a non-ABET accredited program,  must first get approval from NYS before registering online for the exam. 

Note: The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is an accredited program. 

If you have any questions, please contact Professor Michael Timmons , Professor Jery Stedinger, or Nadine Porter .

Seniors: Paperwork Required When Submitting Senior Design Report


If you are enrolled in MAE 4291 Research or Project Team, or MAE 4021, Wind Power; MAE 4131, Mechanics and Composite Structures; MAE 4141, Mechanics of Light Vehicles, or MAE 4341, Innovative Product Design via Digital Mfg

Follow these instructions:

Pictorial Representation of Design Report Submission

Senior Design Report Content Summary Form

Senior Design Courses Spring 2014

If you will be a first semester or second semester senior in the Spring, you can sign-up for any one of the following courses which have been designated as senior design–please note regular courses will no longer require a 1-credit add-on component:       4 credits:      MAE 4231, Intermediate Fluids; MAE 4641, Orthopaedic Tissue Mechanics; MAE 4701, Finite Element Analysis; MAE 4861, Automotive Engineering

See Emily in 104 Upson Hall to enroll in senior design at the beginning of the Spring term:    3 or 4 credits: Independent Research with a senior design report due – MAE 4291 (no pre-enrollment)      or     3 or 4 credits: Project Team with a senior design report due – MAE 4291 (no pre-enrollment).

MechE Senior Group Photo September 30

For All Seniors in MechE:

This year’s group photo will be taken on Monday, September 30 at 12:45.  If you are in MAE 4300, you may leave the class at 12:40 and go to the west side of Duffield (facing Carpenter).  If it looks like rain (or snow!), we’ll change the date.  Dress attire:  business casual.  This photo will be posted on the website and you can order it through Cornell photography.  Independent Majors in MechE. are welcome to join in this photofest!




Senior Information

Dear Seniors,

Thanks to all MechE. seniors who attended Monday’s info session.  We’ll need a core group of seniors to work on the 2014 senior video for the commencement ceremony to be shown on May 25 in Bailey Hall.  Here is the 2013 M.E. senior video:Class of 2013 Senior Video (thanks to Owen Dong, Kristen Reynolds, and Andre Bergeron)

For commencement ticket info and awards to be presented at Bailey Hall, consult the mae website,

We’ll also need someone to be in charge of an efficient way to collect photos for the slide show which will appear as students and guests enter and leave Bailey Hall.   A slide show with music will need to be created.

Original music would be great for the slide show and the video.