OPEC Oil Crisis Talk Friday 3/26 @10am EST

Your Engineering Career Influenced By World Events

Friday 3/26   10AM EST

Cornell Engineering alum William (Bill) Van Sweringen, ’74, ’75 Mechanical Engineering; Digital Strategy Advisor at ExxonMobil will be giving a talk at 10 am EST tomorrow (3/26) where he will be reflecting on his experience as a graduate amidst the OPEC oil crisis and his engineering career that has been driven by world events from that initial energy crisis, to rising democracy, to consumerism, to wars, to environmentalism, and to the digital revolution since then. Listen to career advice weaved in with world history from Bill Van Sweringen, as he describes his project management career.

Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94581797454?pwd=aWt5YjFBOFMvTXBtUlF3eE9OYXZjQT09

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