NYS IPM Field Crops Weekly Pest Report-July 31, 2023
2023 Aurora Farm Field Day
The annual Cornell Field Crop research field day will be held on Thursday, August 3rd at Musgrave Research Farm in Aurora, NY. The program promises to be stellar with three weed management topics and so much more!
- Juan Carlos, Kirsten Workman, Quirine Ketterings – Manure has value! But how much?
- Vipan Kumar – Integrated herbicide strategies for weed control in Enlist soybeans
- Vipan Kumar, Lynn Sosnoskie & Mike Hunter – Evaluation of corn herbicide programs with and without atrazine
- Louis Longchamps – The Farm of the Future Project and Digital Agronomy at Cornell
- Kelly Robbins, Karl Kunze, Virginia Moore, Julie Hansen – Remote Sensing for Modeling Development Curves and Accelerated Breeding of Climate Resilient Crop Varieties
- Jasdeep Singh, Helen Solecki, Gurpreet Kaur, Kirsten Workman, Quirine Ketterings – Soil health and greenhouse gas emissions from forage production fields in New York
- Lynn Sosnoskie – Atrazine: Are Label Revisions Coming?
- Eric Youngerman, Chris Pelzer, Matt Ryan, Kristen Loria – Impact of Timing of Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination on Pests and Disease in No-till Corn
DEC and CCA credits have been requested.
The program is free and open to the public. A light breakfast and free lunch will be provided.
Date & Time: August 3, 2023-9:45 am – 3:00 pm
Musgrave Research Farm: 1256 Poplar Ridge Rd, Aurora, NY 13026
Potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae)
There have been reports of potato leafhopper over threshold in several areas of the state. It is important to scout for this insect pest now. If you see the typical V-shaped yellowing the insect has done damage to the plants already. Scout for the pest now to avoid this damage.
See information below on how to scout.
For more information see below:
A Video on IPM for Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa:
Publication on Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa:
Field Corn Pheromone Trapping Network
The 1st week August there is normally a large flight of western bean cutworm. We have had reports of egg masses being found on pretassel corn in Northern NY this last week. It is time to get out and scout for the pest.
For more information view the following webpage: https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/corn/insects-corn/western-bean-cutworm
Corn Diseases:
There have been reports of several different corn diseases in fields. Because of all the rain storms we have received have made optimal conditions for the diseases to proliferate. The following are some of the diseases being reported in field corn. For management information please view the website for the disease of interest:
- Gray Leaf Spot https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/corn/diseases-corn/gray-leaf-spot
- Eyespot https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/corn/diseases-corn/eyespot
- Northern Corn Leaf Spot https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/corn/diseases-corn/northern-corn-leaf-spot
- Northern Corn Leaf Blight https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/corn/diseases-corn/northern-corn-leaf-blight
- Anthracnose https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/corn/diseases-corn/anthracnose-leaf-blight