June 11, 2022

NYS IPM Weekly Field Crops Pest Report-June 11, 2022

Cereal Leaf Beetle

There have been reports of cereal leaf beetle over threshold in western NY. It is time to get out and scout for and make sure cereal leaf beetle is over threshold. Spraying without knowledge of the level of the infestation levels might mean you did not need an application of insecticide. Always scout and make an educated decision!

For more information on cereal leaf beetle and how to scout for this pest please view the following site: https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/small-grains/insects-small-grains

This is a phot of a black slug like larvae on a flag leaf of wheat.

Cereal Leaf Beetle Larvae

Potato Leafhopper

There are several reports of potato leafhopper in alfalfa across NYS. Note that adults migrate on storms from the south. They lay eggs on alfalfa. When the nymphs hatch is when damage to alfalfa can become an issue. It is time to start scouting for potato leafhopper.

For more information on potato leafhopper in alfalfa view the following site: https://cals.cornell.edu/field-crops/forages/insects-forage-crops/potato-leafhopper

This is a photo of Potato Leafhopper Adult

Potato Leafhopper Adult

this is a photo of potato leafhopper nymphs

Potato Leafhopper Nymphs

Black cutworm and True armyworm

There was one more intense catch with black cutworm in Livingston County. Please know when your corn reaches the V6 stage of growth black cutworm does not continue to feed on the corn.

There have been a lot of migrations of black cutworms this year. If you still have young corn, it is best to get out and scout for the larvae and damage. True armyworm infestations have been very low this year.

Black Cutworm


True Armyworm


Interactive Map of the Field Corn Pheromone Trapping Network



Black Cutworm Degree Day Accumulations by Location

*Location for Intense Catches

Black Cutworm

(Base 50)

Life Stage

Seneca Falls

Seneca County

April 26

25 Moths Caught


Cutting Corn Plants

6th Instar


Livingston County

May 12

23 Moths Caught


Cutting Corn Plants

6th Instar


Monroe County

May 15

39 Moths Caught


Cutting Corn Plants

5th Instar


Jefferson County

May 16

25 Moths Caught


Cutting Corn Plants

4th Instar


Lewis County

May 16

23 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


St Lawrence

May 16

37 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar

Seneca Falls

Seneca County

May 22

23 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Madison County

May 29

27 Months Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Jefferson County

May 22

25 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Lewis County

May 22

23 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Ontario County

May 29

23 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Lewis County

May 29

19 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Chenango County

May 29

15  Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Madison County

May 31

20 Moths Caught


Leaf Feeding

1st-3rd Instar


Cayuga County

June 5

16 Moths

93 Eggs Hatching


Onondaga County

June 5

22 Moths Caught

93 Eggs Hatching


Cayuga County

June 5

26 Moths

93 Eggs Hatching

West Sparta

Livingston County

June 12

17 moths

Laying Eggs

*Intense Catch is over 15 moths in a week.


Black Cutworm Degree Days (Base 50 F) Lifecycle Growth Stages

Degree Days               Stage                           Feeding Activity

0                                  Moth Capture              Egg Laying

90                                Eggs Hatch

91-311                         1st to 3rd Instar           Leaf Feeding

312-364                       4th Instar                     Cutting Begins

365-430                       5th Instar                     Cutting Begins

431-640                       6th Instar                     Cutting Slows

641-989                       Pupa                              No feeding



True Armyworm Degree Day Accumulations

*Location for Intense Catches

True Armyworm

(Base 50)

Life Stage

Seneca Falls

Seneca County

May 1

29 Moths Caught

492 Leaf Feeding

*Intense Catch is over 15 moths in a week.


Alfalfa Weevil

Alfalfa weevil larvae are still in many alfalfa fields across the state. There have been reports of fields over threshold. Alfalfa weevil can cause damage in regrowth if populations remained high after the 1st cutting of alfalfa. Note that alfalfa weevil will be pupating soon and feeding will end. View the degree-day model below and compare it to your area of the state. For more on alfalfa weevil please view the link to management information:


Alfalfa Weevil Damage-There are many shot holes in the leaves of the alfalfa

Alfalfa Weevil Damage


this is a photo of alfalfa weevil cocoon

Alfalfa Weevil Degree Day Accumulations from March 1 to June 6

Weather Station Location Alfalfa Weevil Life Stage
Arkport 567

Larvae Feeding

4th instar

Bergan 652 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Canton 550

Larvae Feeding

4th instar

Ceres 550

Larvae Feeding

4th instar

Conesus Lake 673 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Corwin 614 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Farmington 661 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Gansevoort 748 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Geneva 677 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Highland 803

Cocooning-Feeding stopped


Ithaca 705 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Kinderhook 721 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Lafayette 679 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Laurens 531

Larvae Feeding

3rd instar

Malone 458

Larvae Feeding

3rd instar

Northport 811

Cocooning-Feeding stopped


Peru 532

Larvae Feeding

3rd instar

Red Hook 748 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Versailles 665 Cocooning-Feeding stopped
Watertown 550

Larvae Feeding

4th instar


Alfalfa Weevil Life stage Development

Growing Degree Days for peak (50%) occurrence of stage

Stage of Life Cycle Degree Days *
eggs hatch 280
Instar 1 315
Instar 2 395
Instar 3 470
Instar 4 550
Cocooning 600
Pupa 725
Adult Emergence 815

*48 degree F base temperature


Corn Seeding Blight

There is a report of seeding blight issues in Northern NY. In wet fields, this can be an issue. In this case, the fields will be replanted!