Integrated Pest Management Online Pesticide Recertification Credits
Do you need pesticide recertification credits? The Pesticide Management Education Program (PMEP) at Cornell University has many pesticide recertification courses. The field crop options are as follows:
IPM for Insect Pest on Alfalfa (coming soon)
IPM for Insect Pests on Field Corn (1 credit)
Asian Soybean Aphid Integrated Pest Management on Soybeans (1 credit)
IPM for Foliar Diseases of Soybeans (1 credit)
The courses are available for $30.00 through PMEP’s Distance Learning Center. These courses are approved in New York State for 1 recertification credit in categories 1a, 10, 21, and 23. Several New England and mid-Atlantic states have also approved the course for recertification credits in their respective states. Please see the state-specific information at the Distance Learning Center for further details. The PMEP Distance Learning Center is a partnership between PMEP and the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program. The Center hosts over 35 online recertification courses on topics ranging from basic pesticide safety to application equipment to pest management. Check out the course offerings today!