Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Please RSVP to A & K AgriServices, LLC at 802-681-7228
Greenwich Elks Lodge 2223, 130 Bulson Road, Greenwich, NY
Speakers: Olga Vargas, NRCS Soil Scientist
Karl Czymmek, Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Topics: – Soil Compaction, Soil Health
- Manure Applicator Training
- Farm Plans, Manure Spreading – Panel Discussion
Manure Applicator Training: The Washington County SWCD and Washington County Water Quality Coordinating Committee (WQCC) have partnered with A&K AgriServices to offer farmers the opportunity to obtain manure applicator credits as required by the ECL SPDES permit to have at least 2 staff from a large CAFO and one staff from a medium CAFO to be certified. While permitted farms will benefit from the credits, all farms that spread manure need to be aware of spreading guidelines being implemented in New York and Vermont. Olgas Vargas, NRCS Soil Scientist will also give a talk on soil health – soil compaction.
Sponsored by: Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District,
Water Quality Coordinating Committee and
A & K AgriServices, LLC
For more information on these meetings please call the Washington County SWCD
518-692-9940, Ext. 5