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Cascades and Climate Control

As the human race advances its technology day by day, we face the imminent reality of climate change and global warming whether we want to or not. While many of these advancements are beneficial to efficiency and overall quality of life, we still continue ignore many of the effects that certain technologies and practices can […]

Positive Marketing’s Implications on Property Rights and Social Welfare

“Macromarketing approaches to thought development in positive marketing: Two perspectives on a research agenda for positive marketing scholars” by John D. Mittelstaedt, William E. Kilbourne, and Clifford J. Shultz II is an academic article discussing the potential approaches to positive marketing; a market in which the welfare of all components are maximized and therefore leave […]

Coase Theorem and Climate Change

  The Coase Theorem, stated simply, is the idea that the most efficient way to use resources is to assign ownership; it does not matter who is the owner. The Coase Theorem is applicable in many areas of our life today, such as the hot topic of climate change. Climate change is becoming an increasingly […]

Property Rights for Southern Californian Beaches

With a climate that allows for many beach days throughout year, it is no surprise that the coast is central to Southern California’s relaxed, surfing infused identity. On especially warm days, the beaches are lined with beach towels and are swarmed with people. General habits of the population in beachgoers usually cause increasingly horrendous levels […]

Game Theory Predictions of Paris Climate Talks

The upcoming United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris will be a negotiation to enact greenhouse emissions limits for every country. A recent study looked at how climate change negotiations take place using AI acting on game theory to conduct the negotiations. In each simulation each player simultaneously placed their bid of greenhouse gas […]

Space Debris Game Theory

In class, we learned of game theory as a situation with two or more players, where each player has a set of actions to choose from. However, the outcome for each player depends on the collective actions of every player, so each player must also take into consideration what every other player is likely to […]

Let’s play a game of grade inflation

Using the article about Harvard’s grade inflation, we can create a game of grade inflation to explain important aspects of Game Theory – recurrent topic in our classes. The increase in American GPA’s is a game that illustrates very well what’s called coordination failure, and the Tragedy of the Commons. We create a game with […]

Can Game Theory Help Clear Space Debris?

The article discusses using Game Theory to attempt to clean up space debris. Space debris is caused by fragments broken off of ageing satellites or used rocket launchers, and increase every time two pieces collide and break into smaller pieces. Space debris the size of 10 cm in diameter can be a significant risk to […]

The relationship between traffic and roads

It is quite intuitive that building more roads is a way to solve traffic jam problems. As traffic flow can be separated into many different roads, there will be fewer cars in each of them. However, during the studying of modeling network traffic using game theory, we encountered a case where building an extra road might […]

Game Theory in Climate Change Negotiations

Though climate change is a pressing issue facing our world, not much is being done about it. Advocates of greenhouse gas emission reductions find the planet a victim of the tragedy of the commons—the payoff for an individual country not complying with reductions is very high, but when each country follows this logic, the payoff […]

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July 2024
