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Game Theory and the Usage of Antibiotics

It’s been shown that the usage of antibiotics by members of society can be somewhat modeled by a multiperson game referred to as “The Tragedy of the Commons” (article link at bottom). In “The Tragedy of the Commons,” the players are many individuals who make up a group. Each player has two strategies: A and […]

The game theory behind the nature of destructive parasitism

I was sent a link to a podcast discussing how a victory of a social justice movement in video gaming would be ruinous to the video game culture.     From a purely economics point of view, social justice is not an inherent agent of production in the sense that it does not produce or […]

Game Theory — dilemma in enviromental problem

The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as the Copenhagen Summit, was held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between 7 and 18 December. The purpose of the conference is straightly towards one crucial problem nowadays — over-emissions of carbon dioxide. What causes the over-emission of carbon dioxide and other enviromental polluted […]

Evolution of Prisoners Dilemma

In a TED talk in 2005, a speaker Howard Rheingold spoke on the idea of collective action. He goes on to describe the “Tragedy of the Commons,” the idea that given a large, open source resource, humans will undoubtedly exploit it for their own gain, effectively ruining their resources. This comes from the idea of […]

Split the Bill or Pay Your Own?

At one point, most of us have probably gone out to eat with friends in a sit down restaurant. Everything is nice and dandy until the subject of the bill finally comes up. Now, it is time to decide whether the group wants to split the bill evenly amongst everybody or just have everybody pay […]

Game Theory and Space Debris

In recent years the drive to explore space has been reignited by the privatization of space exploration brought about by notable billionaires like Elon Musk (SpaceEx), Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin), and Richard Branson (Virgin Galatic). They are looking to make space travel a commercial reality. This possibility calls into question the potential harms and existing […]

Nash Equilibrium and Business Competitions

Have you ever wonder why business competitors are often located close to each other? Such as McDonald’s and Burger King, Starbucks and CTB, or CFCU and Tomkins Trust. Wouldn’t it be intuitive to avoid competitors so you can attract all customers close to you? In this video, Jac de Haan introduces two ice-cream vendor on […]

Game Theory and Climate Change

With every passing day, more and more scientists and climate activists let it be known that not just our environment, but humanity itself, is in dire danger due to impending climate change. As climate change is brought into social consciousness, its presence in political consciousness is especially important in order to get done what needs […]

Effect of Game Theory on Global Climate Change

We’ve been hearing about climate change and the need to take action in the news for decades now, but oddly, every year, our planet’s health seems to be going on a steeper decline. For us to stunt our planet’s increasingly urgent climate change, all nations across the globe need to take action, but it seems […]

Game Theory and Climate Change The article discusses an academic paper, which came to a conclusion that climate change will continue to get worse before it gets better. It all comes down to our every day, individual choices. Should we use the plastic bags so conveniently provided by the grocery store instead of carrying our own reusable bags? Should […]

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