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Finding a Sustainable Soluting

In class, we learned about Property Rights and the “Tragedy of the Commons”. Adolfo Brizzi, Director of the Policy and Technical Advisory Division at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), wrote an article for The Huffington Post posted that puts a real face to the problems discussed in class. He begins by laying down statistics that put […]

Can game theory help solve the problem of climate change?

The solution to mitigating climate change could be found using game theory. Global warming is a direct result of carbon emissions from human activity. Carbon emissions can be viewed as a common-pool resource. All humans have the ability to produce carbon dioxide, and if limited, it can be produced sustainably. However, the activities that generate […]

Using Game Theory to Clean Up Space Debris

Link: The presence of debris floating around in outer space can crucially impact the composition of spaceships and satellites. In order to guarantee the safe return of spacecrafts and the efficient use of satellites, the removal of these debris is imperative. Though it is a prevalent issue, there hasn’t been serious consideration of resolutions […]

Vote Exchanges: The Only Winning Move Is To Realize You Can Play

First, a question: how can we usefully think about voting in the framework of game theory? Naively, it doesn’t seem like there’s much that can be done. We could draw a 2 by 2 by … by 2 payoff matrix, one dimension for every voter in the country, and analyze that object. But what help […]

Climate Change and Game Theory

Source : This article discusses the issue of climate change and how game theory is being used to model the actions of players and the consequences. In this game, the amount of carbon dioxide the environment can handle is a common shared and finite resource. Countries can choose to maximize personal wealth by depleting […]

Game Theory Applied to Space Engineering.

We don’t think about this topic very often, but it is a fact: many of our modern day technologies such as GPS devices, smartphones, and television, all depend primarily on satellites that are revolving around the earth, floating in outer space. These satellites are our main method of communication and information transportation, but they also […]

Global Warming – Can game theory solve it? Global temperatures has been growing rapidly over the past decade, and particularly these past few years, where 2016 is projected to be the hottest year ever on record, surpassing the previous record in 2015. One of the primary causes of global warming is the increase of greenhouse gasses, such as CO2, being trapped in […]

Game Theory and Overfishing

Link: Tragedy of the commons After learning about Game Theory in class, I am now seeing how many real world instances and interactions can be viewed as examples of Game Theory. An example I found interesitng is the problem that is overfishing. The link above starts off by talking about “the tragedy of the commons” […]

Game Play in Sustainability   As can be seen in the article “Tragedy of the Commons”, interactions with others can result in game play that ultimately impacts the environment and society.  The article’s historic example of private families’ cows grazing on the Boston Commons highlights how people prefer to act in the quickest best interest of themselves first, […]

Game Theory and Pokemon Go

The Niantic produced game Pokemon Go, the new craze in the augmented reality world, is one of the fastest growing phone apps, reaching 50 million downloads worldwide in only a little over two weeks. Not long after its release, online forums and threads were overwhelmed with complaints about server issues caused by the max capacity […]

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