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Space Debris and Game Theory One area in which game theory applies in real life is the issue of space debris.  Over the past 50 years, thousands of objects have been launched into space and many of them are uncontrolled.  Additionally, several countries have tested anti-satellite weapons which have blown satellites into hundreds or thousands of pieces of debris.  […]

Game Theory and the Politics of Global Warming: the State of Play and Beyond

This academic journal considers the implications of treating the global climate change crisis, and the political maneuvering that revolves around it, as a collective-action game that falls under Game Theory. In terms of accountability, democracy and elections, and the favorability and viability of cooperation over unilateral action, one of the most significant indicators that collective […]

How Athlete Doping Relates to Game Theory Game theory can be applied to many real-life situations. This article analyzes the incentives of athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs in the Olympic Games. Doping was prevalent in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and it has been branded one of the dirtiest games ever. So why exactly did these highly skilled athletes feel the […]

Braess’s Paradox

Source:   This article discusses Braess’s Paradox and real world examples of when newly built roadways, designed to reduce traffic, actually worsened the traffic. The paradox explains that building new roads can increase traffic while eliminating existing roads can improve commutes by limiting congestion. The reason why this happens is because upon the opening […]

Braess Paradox to Explain Social Dilemmas

For this blog post, I will be writing about the academic article Using the Braess Paradox to Teach Tacit Negotiation by Ugu Merlone and Angelo Romano which was written in 2016. The article draws a parallel between the Braess Paradox in Game Theory and how people act in non-verbal social settings (aka tacit negotiations). We […]

The Prisoner’s Dilemma in International Environmental Politics (IEP) For this blog post, I read an academic study on how the prisoner’s dilemma applies to international environmental politics as well as international environmental agreements, in the form of social dilemmas. Two examples of social dilemmas, or the decisions of collective actions that need to be made, are the Free-Rider problem and Hardin’s Tragedy […]

Climate Change and Game Theory

When Trump decided to pull the US out the Paris Climate Agreement, it seemed this would be part of a larger trend of developed countries balking at the responsibility of keeping carbon emissions low and reducing certain industrial activities. The President shared the concern of US sovereignty being hampered and not having the ability to […]

The Game Theory behind Lock Screen Ads

Recently, Google has announced a new policy for its Play Store: “Unless the exclusive purpose of the app is that of a lock screen, apps may not introduce ads or features that monetize the locked display of a device” (source: While this change seems very straight-forward and trivial, that Google is just trying to […]

How Game Theory Improves Heterosexual Dating Apps

Dating apps have a rather infamous past, especially among young adults, who rarely seem to get anything meaningful out of swiping through Tinder a few times a week. Uri Bram, author of Thinking Statistically, commented on this issue in his article for The Economist‘s lifestyle magazine 1843. He points out that most heterosexual dating apps are […]

Game Theory and Climate Change

Game theory is a highly appropriate lens through which one can analyze the issue of climate change. The planet is a common resource which no single individual owns and that everybody has access to. In the ideal case, everyone would take the appropriate measures (in other words, take on the corresponding costs) to manage one’s […]

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