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Game Theory in Plant Extractivism Lately, game theory has gained traction in the field of evolutionary biology, and this paper is one example of how it can be used. While it’s true that game theory can intuitively be applied to concepts like “survival of the fittest,” which holds true for plants, this paper takes another concept into account, one […]

Game theory in the ‘Mackerel Wars’

In the paper titled “Game theory and fish wars: The case of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel fishery”, Jensen et al. study the ‘Mackerel Wars’ that occurred between 2010 and 2014 and apply a mathematical analysis based on game theory on the incident. This fishing dispute between Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the EU began […]

Game Theory Applications for the Operating Room This journal article discusses the applications of game theory for surgeons in the operating room and how greater knowledge of game theory could allow them to do work in the operating room more optimally in terms of work-environment and camaraderie in the workplace due to less friction and more cooperation. The article focuses upon […]

Game Theory and Covid-19

This article was about how the game theory can help us understand how to prioritize COVID-19 vaccine rollouts in order to save the most lives. Dr. Anand and Dr. Bauch are scientists who began studying COVID-19 from a game theory based perspective, and found that the pandemic mirrored a situation similar to the famous “Prisoner’s […]

Game Theory and Covid-19 Vaccination

In class, we learned about the concept of game theory and Prisoner’s Dilemma. Games are simply situations that involve the interaction among multiple decision makers. In a rational game, we assume that each player will make a strategic decision that will maximize his own payoff. Although each player makes his own decision, the outcome of […]

Game Theory Applied to Pandemic and COVID Vaccine

This New York Times article talks about an analysis of human behavior with respect to the pandemic and getting the COVID vaccine through the use of game theory done by two professors from Canada, Dr Anand and Dr. Bauch.  They modeled the pandemic as a prisoner’s dilemma game that is played out repeatedly when people […]

Vampire Bats and Social Distancing

This semester has presented new challenges, such as students agreeing to a Behavioral Compact in order to gain access to campus. Some measures for safety, like being in small groups and maintaining 6 feet, does not initially seem difficult but can enter some grey areas. For example, what do you do when a friend you […]

Environmental Economics

Source: This blog post will be related to the class topic of property rights and the notion of “tragedy of the commons.” It will focus on how these relate to the environment and public policy issues stemming from that, as this is one of the more common situations where the term “tragedy of the […]

game theory and protecting the environment

Source: Our environment is quickly being destroyed.  Without policies to mitigate CO2 emissions by each country, climate change can only get worse.  This article goes into detail about the costs and benefits of countries deciding to create policies to help save the environment.  This can be easily modeled by game theory as the payoff […]

The Climate Clock and Game Theory

Link to articke: The ‘Climate Clock’ in New York City caught everyone’s eye. All over social media, the picture of a clock posted on a building counting down the seconds until doomsday was not easy to miss. With seven years left to drastically change our carbon emissions and reverse the possibility of a severe […]

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July 2024
