Google search: why is is so calculated and benefits large companies
Everything that shows up on our google page is their for a specific reasons. When we search “restaurants near me” there is a specific reason that the specific restaurants that show up, show up in the order that it is. Sometimes it is because some companies actually pay google for an advertisement per click. This means that these companies get to benefit because the consumers would most likely click on the first option that they see that meets their needs. Though this benefits larger companies, smaller companies that can’t afford to pay google for an ad have less attention which furthermore reduces the chances of these companies making strong connections that i talked about in my last blog post. Which then makes it even more challenging for these smaller start up companies to grow.
The point of this post is to show the whole connection between networking and google, in relation to weak and strong ties. In an article in the globe and mail by “ An experiment performed by marketing software company HubSpot suggests that the likelihood of receiving a click is two times higher in a featured snippet box than in organic search results. That could make a big difference to a small business.’”. This method which helps bigger companies goes to show the way that our society is run by money and the people with more money have the opportunity to further enhance themselves.