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TikTok vs. BeReal: Contrasts in the Context of Graph Theory

Social media is an integral part of the society we live in. Competition between various social media platforms continues to intensify as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and more recently BeReal, rise to popularity with innovative ways of creating content and sharing media. A recent article by TechCrunch titled “Facebook is losing its grip as a ‘Top 10’ app as BeReal and TikTok grow” discusses how BeReal and TikTok are slowly beating out well-known social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Upon reading this article, I was curious about how concepts such as strong triadic closure and strong ties affected each of these apps’ rise on the charts and whether there were any similarities. The apps appear to have very different strategies, but are both successful, suggesting that they serve very different purposes. It is important to note that since neither app has released its algorithm, this discussion is speculative. 

BeReal is an app that notifies all of its users to take a snapshot at a specific time of day, urging its users to “be real” and unfiltered. As a result, a user’s feed on BeReal consists of their closest friends, or strongest ties. BeReal friend recommendations are based on strong triadic closure. Each BeReal friend suggestion is based entirely on having mutual friends with the user. In short, a user’s BeReal feed consists entirely of their closest friends, and new content is found through mutual friends who are suggested through BeReal’s friend recommendations. 

TikTok, on the other hand, does not base its algorithm on strong ties. Rather, the algorithm appears to be based on shared interests. A user’s “For You” page rarely consists of their friends and existing ties, nor does it consist of their friends’ friends. Instead, the For You page is typically made of strangers that share the users’ interests. The recommendation of content appears to be based far more on how such content is received by users and less on social ties between them. This leads to the formation of several local bridges, allowing information to spread to more people.

BeReal focuses on strong ties whereas TikTok focuses on weak ties with shared interests; however, both apps are soaring on the charts. This analysis provides insight on the differing purposes of each app in users’ lives. Due to BeReal’s emphasis on ties between friends as opposed to content, BeReal’s appeal lies in strengthening existing connections and bringing friends closer. TikTok, on the other hand, exposes its users to novel content and users with shared interests, forming new local bridges instead of strengthening existing ties. TikTok’s appeal, therefore, lies more in finding novel content that isn’t discoverable through existing social ties. Diving deeper into this discussion poses several questions: how do the different forms of connectivity in TikTok versus BeReal affect the spread of information and news? Will these different forms of connectivity affect the longitude of these apps’ popularity? Will one be more short-lived than the other?



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