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The Importance of Weak Ties in Networking and Building a Team or Company

Weak ties matter


The strong and weak ties that were discussed in the first weeks of Networks can be illustrated in the real world from the scope of a business or individual looking to expand their repertoire. In the article, “Weak Ties Matter” by Everett Harper, she explains why many of the small connections that are made by businesses or individuals can end up being the most beneficial ones. This is true for many reasons. Although weak ties lack strength, they are much more abundant. The probability that a weak tie in the world of networking will lead to a big break is low, but because of the abundance of weak ties, the low probability should not be taken lightly. This is because weak ties bring diversity. Strong ties mostly consist of very close relationships that stem from similarities of businesses or individuals with certain backgrounds. But those that become larger and more successful are the ones that have a large networking base, full of people of all different backgrounds. This is where weak ties flourish.

The importance of weak ties that is emphasized in this article relates to the way in which the relationships of three nodes correspond to one another. In principles such as the Strong Triadic Closure property, the property is satisfied when the strong tie is joined by two other ties, whether they be strong or weak. This emphasizes how a light connection is better than no connection at all. This lesson from class regarding the STC property can be taken literally by establishing the fact that weak connections might create opportunity if you keep the connection alive. In the world of networking, any connection to employees of completely different backgrounds or companies for whatever reason (whether they be underrepresented, as Harper suggests, or simply thinking out of the box and are waiting for someone to accept their views) can be substantial in providing another hand in building a better business for a whole team of employees, or to bring an individual’s name into the light of the world of job opportunities.


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