The Importance of Weak Ties in Networking and Building a Team or Company
Weak ties matter The strong and weak ties that were discussed in the first weeks of Networks can be illustrated in the real world from the scope of a business or individual looking to expand their repertoire. In the article, “Weak Ties Matter” by Everett Harper, she explains why many of the small connections […]
Triadic Closure Will Repair the Fitness Industry From the Pandemic
Physical fitness has always been one of the biggest industries in the United States. Gym memberships, equipment, physical trainers, dietary supplements, and fitness clothing are all examples of the way revenue is generated within the industry. In fact, the revenue has been constantly growing each year until the COVID-19 pandemic (Gough; 2022). Since people weren’t […]
Game Theory Through Tennis
The US Open has gripped the nation the past two weeks, with millions of people tuning in to watch the annual tennis tournament both in person and on TV. While most people merely watch the matches for entertainment, few are aware of the split second decisions that the players must make, depending upon their opponents […]
A Decline in Weak Ties in Remote Work
As we are starting to return to a sense of “normalcy”, that is, many of us having gotten COVID-19 already and masks no longer being required indoors most places, researchers are now able to collect data on the effect of remote work and in-person work on innovation. This source centers on an MIT study asking […]
The Hunger Games: Life, Death and Game Theory
Here is the article: One of the most popular series, The Hunger Games trilogy, one of the most popular series in the 2010s, ignited the boom in dystopian fiction. The story’s background is that there is a nation with a capital and 12 districts. Every year, all districts must send a boy and […]
Game Theory: How does Bitcoin Adopt Game Theory?
The way bitcoin works is a real-life example of Game Theory: it believes that all owners of bitcoins share the same interest, and so all miners, the way they call the owners of bitcoins, will perform similar behavior in the encrypted coin market. In this way, the market will be comparatively stable and safe as […]
Social Media Marketing and Game Theory Considering the prominence social media has developed within the scope of everyday life, platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have become a coalescence of networks—friends, colleagues, family, romantic relationships, etc. As to be expected in a capitalist market, social media has become more than just a tool to connect with individuals, but a […]
Implied Strong and Weak Ties caused by iMessage
Apple’s blue iMessage bubbles shouldn’t matter, but it does. Texting is not just about text anymore. It includes images, gifs, videos, reactions and stickers. These added features make it difficult to communicate effectively between Android and Apple users because the two systems have different messaging systems. Google blames this divide on Apple because they refuse […]
Game theory – simulating the evolution of aggression
Source of work and inspiration from youtube by Primer. (It’s a great channel and I loved it for quite some time.) The source introduced an experiment of evolution, simulated it on a computer, explained the non-intuitive results with game theory, and calculated the nash equilibrium, similar to how we did it in class. The evolution […]
Facebook Friend Suggestions and Social Networks
Companies like Facebook utilize networks to compile a list of friend suggestions for their users that can be surprisingly accurate. Facebook gets a good starting foundation of a user’s social network by compiling data from their synced contacts and location, which can become even more accurate when user’s input information on their profile such as […]
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