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COVID-19’s Impacts on Workers Ties at Workplace

To study dimensions of the world of work and how does Covid-19 has brought changes around those dimensions, here I will relate it to networks. Kniffin in his paper indicates that connectivity and communication technologies facilitated work and home as work areas since the Covid emerged. Covid also caused changes in the network structure of some industries fundamentally. For some create more opportunities and accelerate their trends like novel industries however laid-off some other industries activities and shutdowns their economics. It has led to “long-lasting global changes in practices and attitudes toward surveillance, security, and privacy” (Kniffin, 2020). Organizations said bye to their experienced workers with no connectivity facility instead hired employees with contractors who can work digitally.

The ties among the virtual teams and co-workers shifted its phase. One of other interesting point the author has mentioned is that social networks got influenced. The interaction between the team and their relation of coping with environment, behaviors, priorities, stress, and depression has altered. Connections has got less quality and pandemic impact people in a way that they mentally and physically prefer loneliness which means the network structure of strong tie changed more to weak tie. Although there has been a clear difference in the responses to these situations now and before the Covid but, the chance to network wide and link workers from various geographical places together has increased. Workers spread their ties further over the world and have made diverse relationships. Industries has hired employees from different places as work is remotely and the location is not much important but the connectivity and using digital technologies have been required.

According to the paper, the reduction in the communication has affected the behavior of help.  People are less willing to help and at the same time the quality of help with a work has decreased virtually.


COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action. (

COVID-19’s impact on work, workers, and the workplace of the future | Dyson BusinessFeed (


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