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Move over Instagram and Snapchat, a new social media app is here: How BeReal has changed the social media game

In the age where a well-crafted social media profile plays an integral role in meeting and getting to know people, it’s difficult to believe that apps which promote and foster a sense of “authenticity” and “realness” would be popular. As a Gen Z myself, I often find myself taking time thinking of what to post to my Instagram and Snapchat, as I know people who I meet will often first judge me from what’s on my profile or my story. I know that these profiles are the first line of introduction for many who are in a quick moving society, and that they are far from an authentic representation, but it is what most are used to. 

This is where BeReal, and its astonishing uptick in popularity, comes in to break the cycle of “presenting” oneself. BeReal encourages users to post themselves as they are, without worry of having to edit photos or take them at the right angle. By sending notifications at random times, people are often unprepared, and take the photo as they are. Unlike Instagram, where you can pick and choose from photos which have been previously taken and/or edited, or snapchat, where you can take and retake the same photo until it’s perfect. This raises a new internal dilemma: with photos that are presumably authentic and unstaged, who would you truly want to be able to see them? 

As we’ve learned in class, there are several types of connections, but more specifically, strong and weak ties. Apps such as Instagram and Snapchat rely on having a larger following, and people you may barely know on them. These apps are built up of primarily weak connections, leading to the feeling that each profile and post has to be well-crafted and putting your best foot forward. Meanwhile, apps like BeReal are often built up of strong and more personal connections, allowing for these posts to be more authentic. We can immediately see the correlation between stronger ties and more authentic posts, which makes sense as these apps are meant to give friends and closer connections insights into your life without fear of judgment. Those who are weaker ties or farther out connections are not necessarily people who you are the most comfortable with when it comes to sharing more authentic and real posts — whether that be photos or thoughts. 

BeReal’s success is built on the closeness of connections and relationships, allowing for people to take a step back from the concerns of having large and mildly disconnected (in a lack of better words) followers and communities. By allowing people to post what they feel comfortable with to a group of people who they are comfortable with, it builds a stronger connection between friends and allows for authenticity to be taken seriously. 





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September 2022
