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Informational Cascades and Software Adoption

This paper looked at user behavior on the internet in relation to which software product users were choosing, using the metric of different software’s download ranking.The paper looked at how the download ranking of different software fluctuated with the publicly available information stating how often a piece of software was downloaded. As expected, as the […]

Bayes’ Rule and Monty Hall Problem

In class, we learned about the Bayes’ Rule and how it plays a role in decision-making. It is a mathematical model used to measure the probability of one event occurring based on prior conditions related to that event. Bayes’ Rule allows us to update our beliefs based on the arrival of new information. In the […]

Information Networks in Television Media

I remember seeing the Netflix icon for Squid Game a month or two ago and scrolling right past it. I had no interest in watching the show because I had never heard of it before, but within the week my housemates and I were powering through the last couple episodes. How was a show none […]

Advertisements as Facebook and Google’s Main Source of Revenue

Advertisements consist of 80% of Google’s revenue and 98% of Facebooks’ revenue. By using sponsored searches based on specific keywords and ad slots, these tech companies can profit off clicks of advertisements from people using their websites. As we learned, Facebook and Google use algorithms that allocate ad slots to companies based on valuations per […]

Information Cascade and Snapchat

As more and more people are drawn to something, such as a social media platform like snapchat, believe it or not this causes exponential growth meaning faster and faster growth as the platform gets bigger and bigger. Snapchat is used by millions of young American children and it isn’t because of how original and groundbreaking […]

How AI Could Be Your New Doctor

As artificial intelligence is becoming the forefront of innovation in the scientific field, more and more traditionally human-led occupations are being challenged by the notion of being replaced by better, more efficient algorithm-led machinery. With many blue-collar jobs being overtaken by machinery over the past decade, we see the stress that technology imposes on the […]

“Are group projects designed to fail?”: Preventing the Prisoner’s Dilemma in Group Projects

link to article: link to lecture slides: Optimal Foraging and game theory F21 Shortened Slides There I was sitting in my lecture for BioEE1610 (Introductory Biology: Ecology and the Environment) learning about optimal foraging for animals when BAM! I got hit with game theory. I was confused as to why this crossover in my […]

Wikipedia: Strongly Connected Component

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia with open articles that were built by a community of users collaborating together. The online platform has excessive internal linking, which is an important element of the platform. Each Wikipedia article contains both internal and external links, as well as linkages to other Wikipedia entries. The Wikipedia Game is a […]

Falling into Facebook’s Network Trap

CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg recently announced facebooks goal to “connect every person in the world.” This is quite the statement and one that’s fulfilling itself this very minute.  This does not occur out of the blue; however, it is affected by you and each and every one of us. The more individuals that participate […]

Using Information Cascades as an Approach to Fake News

Information Cascade Mechanism and Measurement of Indonesian Fake News by Andry Alamsyah et al: This article aims to take a look at the role social media actors play in fake news, particularly in Indonesia, and develop an information cascade model to identify instances of it. In this particular article, Alamsyah et al found that […]

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November 2021
