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Game theory in the oligopolistic decision making process Game theory we study in class can be applied to Oligopolistic pricing strategies in the business world. The key trait of game theory is that the decisions of one person are dependent on and will influence those of other participants. This is exactly the case in oligopolistic decision making. For oligopolistic firms, it is […]

Online Dating in a Non-Bipartite System

Online dating has often been considered a common application of a perfect matching algorithm in a bipartite system. However, assuming the network is bipartite would be heteronormative and cisnormative; in reality, you cannot make two distinct groups none of which are neighbors with anyone in their group if the sample size is large enough. I […]

Gaining Power in the Workplace Through Dependency

In the work place, there usually exists a hierarchy where employees at the top with higher positions are seen as more powerful than those employees which are lower down in the network. However, after analyzing power balances, we can see how employees who are not in high up positions can gain more power in the […]

Market Matching Soccer Transfer Market

Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal, and Burnley all have different amounts of money allocated towards purchasing a new striker. The amount of money for each team is determined by how they performed the previous year, attendance at games, and merchandise sales. The transfer value for each player was found with the use of transfer This […]

Game Theory and the Infrastructure Bill

Reference:    Recently, there has been a small dispute between the centrist wing of the party and the progressove faction on the infrastructure bill. One bill is a one trillion dollar, roads and bridges deal by the centrist wing and a 3.5 trillion social spending bill by the progressive faction. A vote on this […]

eBay Users are “Unideal”

I am an avid consumer of used goods.  Anything from skis, textbooks, computer parts, and more I’ve bought on eBay.  This usually allows me to find good deals and pay less than my value for the item.  If I bid the highest price, I pay the price of the next highest bid, meaning if I […]

Matching Markets in Online Advertising

Online advertising has become increasingly important for all companies in order to get more customers. Online publishers are able to sell spaces in their websites to interested advertisers. The resource I have looked into explores a matching market, Taobao, that makes use of valuations. An advertiser lists the prices they are willing to pay for […]

NYC Network Traffic and Congestion Pricing

Every day, approximately 4.4 million vehicles travel in New York City. The resulting traffic congestion leads to increased travel times and agitated travelers. To alleviate traffic congestion and to increase travelers’ reliability on the traffic network, lawmakers have proposed several possible options. One such suggestion is congestion pricing. Under congestion pricing, travelers entering certain roads […]

Exploring Dating Apps through the Lens of Game Theory

Even before the pandemic hit the world, the phenomena of online dating had for years already been morphing into a part of the daily lives of those searching for love. Dating apps are rampant, with users varying from those looking for everything from casual relationships to marriage partners, and even a surplus of bots searching […]

The Labor Shortage and Matching Markets

During the pandemic, many businesses were forced to close, not just because of a lack of customers, but a lack of employees as well. Even now, after many people have returned to work, the labor shortage does not seem to have subsided. Help wanted signs remain plastered to windows. To understand why this is, especially […]

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September 2021
