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The Exam Game: A new take based on Online School & Academic Integrity Violations

As students, I’m sure we’ve all had those weeks where time just seems to slip by us, pages full of loads of information and formulas flip before our eyes, and somehow, we still show up to the exam without the confidence the hours studying should have guaranteed us. The truth is, exams are merely a […]

The Matching Market of Dating

A form of matching markets that is prevalent throughout society is that of dating. Monogamous relationships and the people searching for them fall perfectly under the definition. On one side, you have a certain number of people searching for a partner, and on the other side of the market, you have people who fit within […]

All-Pay Auctions

Ever see a commercial where they say you can get an expensive item for EXTREMELY CHEAP by using their bidding software? Well, it turns out that those bids are in an “all-pay” format, which means that you have to pay your bid whether or not you win. Seems like a scam right? Let’s take a […]

Chess and Game Theory

“Chess grandmasters can see 20 moves ahead.” “Top players have memorized how to respond to any move.”   These comments and many similar statements are made about top level chess players.  It is commonly believed that grandmasters can “see” the game play out, many moves in advance.  But in just 20 moves, there are billions […]

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September 2021
