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Tear Gas Profiteers

The non-profit, Little Sis, which aims to be the opposite of Big Brother, is a free database that reveals the connections between some of the world’s most powerful people and corporations. Their hope is for people to use the database as a “unique resource for investigating cronyism, conflicts of interest, and systemic corruption” by exposing […]

“Involution” (“Neijuan”) in China and Game Theory

A novel buzzword called “involution” appears in China in recent years has initiated dozens of discussions, leading to a lot of controversies within the society. According to anthropologists, involution refers to a process of inward overelaboration, where population growth did not result in growth in productivity or a more advanced economic model. The buzzword initially […]

Auctions in the Modern World

When people hear the word “auction,” they will most likely think of a website like Ebay, one of several present-day examples of sellers connecting to buyers. In reality, the concept of auctions has spread to more unexpected markets and the theory surrounding auctions is now used to determine prominent players in these markets. While we […]

Structural Balance in Relationships in the Royal Family

In March, prominent public figures Meghan Markle and Prince Harry opened up about their personal lives, including their recent split from the royal family. Prince Harry spoke about how he had to step back from the royal family for his mental health, but that none of his family members had reached out to apologize for […]

Labor Shortages & Matching Markets

What is the ideal employee like? It’s a question that employers ask themselves when they first set out to recruit their future employees. Obviously, employers will have a list of skills and qualifications in mind that describe their ideal candidate, but what happens when not enough candidates meet those requirements? According to a recent article […]

Gamification and the Online Retail Experience

As college students deal with more academic and social responsibilities as the school year progresses, new demands surface, such as proper attire for the changing seasons or class materials for the next semester. Therefore, online shopping has become the preferred, revolutionized way of shopping, as it is accessible right at the comfort of one’s home […]

Rock Paper Scissors   The game Rock Paper Scissors is played with two players who each have three strategies. They can either make a fist with their hand (rock), put up two fingers (scissors), or lay their hand out flat (paper). Each player’s strategy depends on what the other player will do, as Rock beats Scissors, Scissors […]

Game Theory: Winning Tic-Tac-Toe

Original article: In high school, I had a classmate who was obsessed with playing tic-tac-toe. Whenever there was free time, he would challenge those around him to a game. And he was quite good too; he’d win most of the time, especially if the opponent was distracted. Anyway, that got me thinking about how […]

The Democratic Primaries and The Prisoner’s Dilemma: Why Moderates Dropped Out

In the realm of electoral politics, the phenomenon of vote splitting occurs when candidates competing to represent the same political majority split the population’s votes and inadvertently increase the chances of victory for a candidate belonging to an opposing party. While this type of situation may play itself out just like it is described above, […]

A quasi-equilibrium approach for market clearing in land use microsimulations

The article “A quasi-equilibrium approach for market clearing in land use microsimulation” discusses how agents in differing areas utilize Bid-Auction theory and random utility models in the housing market in order to arrive at a market clearing price. These agents utilize their understanding of supply and demand in order to determine prices which cause the […]

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September 2021
