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Sorority Recruitment and Matching Markets

Though women going through sorority recruitment and medical students participating in residency matching do not share much in common at first glance, both of their futures hinge on similar matching markets. Medical students rank their top residency choices in their order of preference, and hospitals with available residency spots also rank the medical students that […]

GANs as Games

[4] Take a look at the images above. While they may look like random photographs of people’s faces, they were in fact created by a computer. Generating images that look that realistic was an incredibly hard–if not impossible–task for computers until the recent development of General Adversarial Networks (or GANs) in 2014 [1]. On a […]

Braess paradox working itself out in Target and Walmart?

A study from 2010 conducted by researchers from University of Massachusetts Amherst proposed a hypothesis that suggests the possible disappearance of the Braess paradox under high demands of traffic networks. The main idea of the hypothesis is that when the travel demand is too high and the traffic congestion has become too problematic that the […]

The Upgraded Trolley Problem: Would You Kill Five People if There’s a Chance to Save Ten?

Many of us may be familiar with the trolley problem. Duplicate that scenario and we arrive at something similar to the Prisoners’ Dilemma—the Trolley Dilemma.  But first, in a simple trolley problem, there is a runaway trolley barreling down a train track. Further down the track lay five people who are tied up and unable […]

Blogging Calendar

September 2021
