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Game Theory and Exploitability in Poker

Game Theory is an interesting concept we explored in class that is seen in everything from rock, paper, scissors to chess. It is also relevant when playing poker; in fact, there is a term in the game that hinges on this logic called game theory optimal (GTO) poker. I play poker and firsthand understand the […]

COVID-19 Vaccination Decision Logic from the 17th Century

Blaise Pascal, a French thinker from the 1600s, made many contributions to academia throughout his life. One of his most famous contributions is widely known as Pascal’s Wager. The basic argument of Pascal’s Wager is basically that we can construct a payoff matrix for the belief (or lack thereof) in God. The matrix is constructed […]

Nuclear War and Game Theory

Link:    A few years ago during Donald Trump’s presidency, there was a period of fear and unrest caused by the North Korean government showing off their nuclear weapons program. President Trump even promised “fire and fury” in response, leading to a country-wide tension similar to that of the Cold War. This article discusses […]

Game Theory in the Decision Review System in the sport of Cricket.

Cricket is an historic game aging back to the early 1900s in England. It is referred to as the “gentleman’s game”. From its conception, cricket has come a long way with new formats, new rules and new playing styles. However, along with the rise of technology, cricket has introduced DRS (Decision Review System). Cricket has […]

Matching Doctors with Hospitals: Matching Markets

Article: The doctor’s process of applying to various programs once out of medical school is a hard one. They must compete with countless other graduates applying to the same places, many with equitable or greater skill. The decision is equally hard for the hospitals and training programs accepting potential applications: while the doctor wants […]

The New York City High School Search: A Matchmaking Algorithm

The New York City high school search is a competitive process, where students have preferences on where they want to go, and high schools have preferences on who they want to accept. The process used to be inefficient and chaotic; each student would list five preferences, and some students were matched with multiple schools and […]

The Role of Game Theory in Love/Relationships

Relationships are something that many people experience on a day to day basis. Surprisingly as common as this experience is it too is something that can be seen through the lens of game theory. The way a person interacts in a relationship is strictly based on that of their partner/significant other meaning that there are […]

Social Networks in Legally Blonde

The film “Legally Blonde” celebrated its 20-year anniversary over the summer. Multiple articles covered highlights of the movie, things we may not have known, and some dove deep into the characters of the film. In the article attached, a lot of interesting conversation is had about the film, but one point it brings up, in […]

Prisoner’s Dilemma in Digital Platforms

Nowadays, many people search for news on digital/social media platforms instead of directly retrieving information from journalism sources. The article linked below contends there is a caveat to this — the society’s collective reliance on tech giants like Google and Facebook could lead to lower quality of journalism in the long term. Digital platforms make […]

Pricing and Matching with the new iPhone 13

It’s almost that time of year again where Apple fanatics begin to prepare their pockets for the latest generation of Apple products. Of the line, no product is talked about more than the iPhone 13, where several enhancements have been made since the iPhone 12. Every year, Apple receives reliable revenue from their die-hard fans […]

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September 2021
