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In 2012, Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth received a Nobel Prize for their work in market design- in particular, work with matching situations- think organ donors and recipients. This article references the Gale-Shapley algorithm. This algorithm was created in order to find the best stable match possible in a scenario where members of one group […]

Game Theory and “Why Some Countries Go Bust”

When journalist Adam Davidson visited a group of mango farmers in Haiti, he was shocked to see that each farmer had only one or two mango trees to their name. They had plenty of land available, and a river just nearby. However, they seemed resolved to only have one or two trees each. Why? Like […]

Game Theory in Marketing & Listing Services

Oftentimes, whenever you go onto a website, what is shown on the homepage differs by person and by what day it is. Companies now have moved away from showing the same website and same content in the same order to everyone that visits their website because they realize that different users are on the website […]

Game-theory in Japanese Anime: Gambling Apocalypse – Kaiji

  As one of the most famous theories, game theory is used in movies and in much Japanese anime. The author in the post was overwhelmed by the aesthetics of game theory. He pointed that board games or good old-fashioned can gamble up this game theory aesthetic to its maximum because characters can cleanly and […]

Social Network Movement Between Platforms and User Triangles in Social Media Social networks are very prominent in social media, since the purpose of social media is to connect people. Many social media platforms pop-up, and only certain ones grow to gain millions of users. For example, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are major social media platforms. In the most recent years, TikTok has been gaining […]

Structural Balance and the Prospect of European Strategic Autonomy

For more than a quarter of a century, the United States enjoyed unrivaled economic, diplomatic, and military supremacy on the world stage. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US-led international order grew to encompass most of the developed world, stretching from the Korean peninsula, across North America, and through Europe to the Baltic […]

Braess Paradox: When can you use it?

Thought this paper, there are many examples of the Braess Paradox in real life. It describes findings in South Korea and in New York City, as for “travel time improves after a removal of a link.” This is important to take note of because the article brings a new perspective of when the Braess Paradox […]

Exploring the Game Theory Behind Among Us

Among Us is a mobile/PC game that is currently gaining a lot of popularity and recognition among users between aged 13 to 20. According to the article, the game involves 10 players, and they are divided into two groups: 1-3 “imposters” and the rest are “crewmate”. The setting of this game is on a spaceship. […]

Game Theory in Playing Poker Hand

Poker hands is a common entertainment game played by many, usually accompanied with some amount of bets. As one becomes experienced in poker hands, it is important to consider the number of strategies available and how to utilize them properly. The article discusses a variety of opening range the poker players should know. In some […]

Game Theory in Black Friday Shopping during a Pandemic

Black Friday is an event that occurs annually the day after Thanksgiving where the majority of stores have low prices on all of their products. As a result of these low prices, the crowds in these stores tend to be high. Since stores typically open around 7am, some individuals camp out outside stores overnight in […]

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September 2021
