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Graph Theory With COVID-19

Graph theory is the study of graphs whose components are made up of nodes and edges. Nodes are a set of objects and edges connect these objects to form some path among multiple nodes. When looking into graph theory, you can discover the many links one object shares to another and find the deeper meaning […]

Game Theory in the Mining Sector

Source: In my first semester of college, fall 2020, I took an anthropology class on the mining of natural resources. Throughout the class, we learned about conflicting views between people who are involved and affected by the mining industry, from large-scale mining companies to local communities who have to bear the impact of environmental […]

Bees, Graphs and Equilibriums in Nature

Game theory isn’t restricted to human activities. It can also be found in nature, as we saw in class with the Hawk and Dove problem. Another notable example is Honey Bees. Honey Bees are extremely efficient in their social structure. Their hives are extremely interconnected and the bees work as a group to maintain them. […]

Auction Theory Outside of the Auction House

The 2020 Nobel Prize winners for Economic Science, Paul R. Milgram and Robert B. Wilson, were lauded for their work on auction theory and models. The article linked below is published by the Stockholm School of Economics and explains the importance and applicability of Milgram and Wilson’s research. Auctions in our modern society go beyond […]

What is the dynamics after the strong tradic closure?

The social triad has been the fundamental unit in social network research for a long time. In addition to the theorems discussed in class like “people who have common friends tend to know each other” and the strong triadic closure, researchers have observed many interesting behaviours in social networks. Simmel pioneered the field by pointing […]

“The Pandemic Is a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game”

Source: This article from last year explains vaccination prioritization while applying concepts of game theory. Both Dr. Anand and Dr. Bauch did amazing work during the pandemic that explicates the underlying meaning of people’s health choices and how their choices impact population health. Choices: it’s a word that used a lot throughout the article. […]

Herd Immunity and Assuming Others Will Vaccinate   “Why California has one of the Lowest Covid-19 Rates in the Nation” This article analyzes why California has one of the lowest Covid rates. It all goes back to “herd immunity” and how people misunderstand what it means. Herd immunity is when most people in a community are immune/vaccinated, so those who cannot […]

Game Theory and the Prisoner’s dilemma

Link: Game theory is widely applied concept that is used in different areas such as applied mathematics, most considerably in economics, computer science and philosophy. Initially, game theory was only used in economics to understand different behaviors. Since then, game theory has been widely used as a very important concept in different fields. It […]

Applying Game Theory to Drug Addiction Recovery

Recovery from drug addiction is difficult, because even though the incentive to stop is strong, the desire to have just one more experience is also powerful. Often, the addict will postpone the problem to face it at a later date. In their eyes in the moment, the payoff for indulging in the drug is greater […]

Navigation, Traffic Patterns, and Equilibriums

(  In our classwork and most recent homework we discuss the idea of navigating a network. In class we see problems trying to find the optimal path between nodes on a connected network, and the equilibriums that are reached. When going for a drive, nowadays an individual faces a series of questions related to game […]

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September 2021
