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The Belko Experiment and Prisoner’s Dilemma

When faced with the extreme measures of life or death, it is not certain what one would do. The Belko Experiment is a film that juggles morality, fear, and dilemma until the last man standing. Similar to the Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971, the film pushes the human psyche to the limit and displays how […]

This is why Facebook belongs in the math classroom.

When it comes to using social media, everyone is looking at how many followers you have. Your following is considered valuable in regards to your social media presence. When individuals open apps such as Facebook, they are pushed to add new friends into their “clique”. How many times have you seen the “ Do you […]

Law, order and conflicts of interest in massively multiplayer online games

Link to article ( One way to observe an interesting function of relationships, and the interaction between private and collective interests is through the newly emerging and prevalent role of virtual communities, created through public online spaces. This study took a look at an online gaming community, and the role that massive multiplayer online games […]

An Update to Milgram’s Six Degrees: The World is a More Connected Place.

In the opening lectures of the course, we discussed the “Small World Phenomenon,” and famous experiment of Stanley Milgram. But what does the world look like now? I recently came across this tweet from Ethan Mollic, an associate professor at Wharton, after it was retweeted by Jordan Ellenberg. It referenced Milgram’s experiment alongside modern equivalents […]

Induced Demand and Braess’s Paradox

Building more or widening current roads to solve the issue of congestion to only make the congestion worse is a problem that has plagued road builders and city planners for decades. The article “What’s Up With That: Building Bigger Roads Actually Makes Traffic Worse” by Adam Mann discusses why this may be. Mann cites work […]

Congestion Pricing & Network Traffic

Source:   This article from the LA Times titled, “Traffic is terrible again. Here’s how to get it back to 2020 levels,” discusses the recent traffic trends of LA in comparison to pre-pandemic times. The author discusses that traffic levels are not only “back to normal,” they’re even exceeding those of pre-pandemic times. […]

Taking a Game Theoretical Approach to an Actual Game Show    Who knew that game theory could be so entertaining? The British game show “Golden Balls” is a prime example of game theory. Two contestants are faced with a sum of money, and they are asked to discuss whether they would like to “split” or “steal.” If both contestants choose to split the money, […]

Game Theory and Academic Dishonesty

Over the course of the pandemic, I saw myself as well as many of my classmates struggle with the consequences of other students being academically dishonest. It felt as though no matter what I did to prepare, study, and ask for help, I knew that I would likely never measure up and be able to […]

What Questions Can “Auction Theory” Answer Today?

The concept of auctions seems simple enough; all it takes is a few bidders, 1 or more prizes, and the ability to bid your valuation of an item’s worth and you’ve got an auction. Auctions offer more than that, however, as recent research from Nobel prize winner Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson demonstrates. Their new […]

Tha Matching Theorem in Spliddit

     Have you ever felt awkward talking about splitting rent with roommates, taxi fares with friends, credits with research partners, etc.? These are some common scenarios that we encounter in daily life. Take me as an example, my roommate and I are living in a 2B2B at CTT this year. We selected our room […]

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September 2021
