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Using Networks to Understand Housing Voucher Take-Up

Source: Low participation rates in government assistance programs are a major policy concern in the United States. In the paper Housing Voucher Take-Up and Labor Market Impacts published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the researchers attempt to identify factors of successful lease-up when a household is offered a housing voucher. Identifying […]

Last Minute Bidding on eBay

How do the rules of the game impact the behavior of its players? This paper discusses the bidding strategies of buyers on eBay and Amazon, e-Commerce sites that facilitate internet auctions. A big attraction of auctions through the internet is that buyers do not have to be at the same place to participate, which allows […]

The U.S. Kidney Exchange System and Potential Reforms

There are nearly 100,000 people on the kidney transplant waitlist in the United States. Five percent of those on the waitlist die each year waiting for a kidney. Is there a shortage of available donors? Or are the glaring statistics a result of a growing mortality rate in kidney ailments? Though the kidney exchange system […]

Social Networks and Immigration

Resource:   Illegal immigration is a hot button issue in current American politics with both parties having strong views and there being little room for compromise. While lawmakers decide on policy issues and draft legislations, real people are living through and suffering from issues caused by our immigration system. This article explores the inequality […]

Missing Our Weak Ties From the barista at our favorite cafe to the person that we used to make small talk with before class started, social distancing has removed all of our weak ties from our lives. Though we may have barely thought about these types of interactions, now that they’re gone we miss them. Employees look […]

Examining Balance Theory with the Two Korea’s International Relationship Balance Theorem, a psychological and sociological theory that demonstrates that the balance of nodes is achieved through unified friendship or two hostile groups, has been proven and applied in many events of foreign relations, notably the Cold War. Supposing that the nations involved in the Cold War was a balanced graph, there were two […]

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September 2020
