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Bayesian and the Brain

The article “ Are Brains Bayesian?” by John Horgan explains how the brain simply functions using the Bayesian theorem. The article starts off by stating that our Brains employ Bayesian algorithms as our brains are the foundations for carrying out tasks with computers perceiving, recognizing and reasoning. In addition, the article also goes in-depth to […]

Effect of Healthcare on Ebola Prevention

The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently combatting a recent Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo which began on November 20, 2019. Researchers are tracking the spread of disease while health workers are implementing measures to prevent the spread of disease. While this outbreak only affects zones in a few regions in Africa, […]

Modelling the spread of H1N1 as a network Modelling and analysis of influenza A (H1N1) on networks by Zhen Jin, Juping Zhang, Li-Peng Song, Gui-Quan Sun, Jianli Kan, and Huaiping Zhu. As I was searching for things to talk about in my blog post I happened upon this academic paper. The authors found a way to model the spread of H1N1 in […]

The HIV Epidemic When HIV was first discovered in 1959, it was very frightening. Although HIV was first diagnosed in 1959, there has still not been a cure found. This however doesn’t mean that strides aren’t being taken to remedy its effect, and hopefully end this tragic epidemic. In an article published by UN News, the treatment […]

The Fastest Growing Epidemic Internationally is Preventable: Measles and the Democratic Republic of Congo   While citizens of developed nations no longer need to fear outbreaks of preventable diseases, the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are less lucky. Measles is the current epidemic the country is facing, which has resulted in over 5,000 deaths since the beginning of 2019. Over 90% of these deaths were children […]

Instagram’s decision to remove likes Instagram has been experimenting with removing likes in seven different countries since July, and has now rolled out the feature worldwide. Social media has often come under fire for propagating mental health issues. Hiding the like feature will result in more genuine content being promoted in news feeds, thus lessening the negative effects of […]

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Blogging Calendar

December 2019
