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Linux Adoption

When talking about the adoption of various technologies, operating systems is one that comes to mind almost immediately. Most people can be separated out into either Windows, Mac, or Linux users, and each side tends to be pretty adamant about their choice. Windows is the standard on nearly every PC, Mac has become popular because Apple has necessitated its existence on its hardware, and Linux has snuck in, being used by millions of people. (88,159,614 people according to the current state of

One of Linux’s major advantages over other operating systems is its low cost, but since almost every new laptop or pre-built PC comes with an operating system included with the cost, it doesn’t have as big as an impact as one might think. Linux claims better malware protection, simpler updates, and perhaps the most major benefit, the widely user-driven software community, commonly open source. This allows users to better understand (and control) more parts of their computer and its operating system. What tends to happen is that users mix and match various pieces of software to create a moderately unique experience that the user feels suits them best, which is quite favorable.

However, there are some drawbacks. For new users, it is very easy to do things that drastically alter the functionality of many programs that they may rely on, possibly rendering their computer unusable, until they find the time to spend hours on forums figuring out how to fix their mistakes. There is a steeper learning curve than for Windows and Mac, but the rewards can be greater.

Linux adoption has been slowly growing, as more users and organizations switch to Linux, it becomes a more supported and viable alternative each day. Even within the linux community there is massive separation due to the many different distributions, which may inhibit/delay it from hitting its critical mass and becoming a major contender with Windows and Mac.


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