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BlackBerry’s Back

BlackBerry’s Priv Puzzles the Tech World

Back in 2006, BlackBerry dominated the mobile market with its business first outlook at mobile phones. The unique design, and focus on email made it the device of choice for anyone who needed to be productive on the go. Today, however, you will rarely see somebody using a BlackBerry device. The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 saw decreasing sales of BlackBerry devices. The newly launched iPhone promised the productivity of the BlackBerry, and more. With a full touch screen, the ability to check email, connect to the internet, and even download more apps through the app store, Apple’s device out performed BlackBerry in every way. This loss in market share was only caused further by the introduction of Google’s Android OS joining the mix, and then taking the market from apple. Today, BlackBerry is all but gone. The company has recently released a brand new smartphone running Android called the BlackBerry Priv. The device features all of the BlackBerry features that made them so successful before, plus access to the Android marketplace as well. It also comes with a slide out physical keyboard to mimic the feel of the phones they released back in 2007. It is interesting to see how little BlackBerry has changed since then. I personally don’t believe that the device will be the saving grace that BlackBerry needs it to be.  Based on the current market, I don’t believe that the new BlackBerry device will catch on. One major aspect of BlackBerry is its exclusive BlackBerry Network (BBN). This was one of the main selling points of the device back in 2007, but I don’t believe that it will help today. This key feature requires a sizeable user base in order for it to be worth using. If nobody buys into the device, then this service will also be useless. It would also need to compete with the now enormous Facebook, Since BBN is so similar to Facebook, and since Facebook already has everyone you know on it, BBN doesn’t seem to be necessary anymore. The other key selling point of the device is the fact that it has a physical keyboard. This seems more like a gimmick if nothing else, since most people have become used to virtual keyboards, especially after the introduction of Swype typing. I personally don’t feel as though the device will sell well enough for it to reach the tipping point where everyone will be aware of it when buying a new smartphone.


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