The rich get richer in higher education
Recent studies show that 40 colleges hold two-thirds of the wealth, including Harvard, Stanford, Michigan and Ohio state. The divide between rich and poor schools has been growing, with the rich schools getting a 50% increase in assets while the poorer schools only grew by 22%. This growing gap tends to be exponential, because rich […]
BBC’s Move and an Emerging Network
Though network effects are often used to analyze the economic benefits within a company or industry, we can stretch this analysis to discovering effects on multiple industries and markets. When BBC moved to Salford in the UK, many economic benefits were discovered through the analysis of network effects on the market. In response to the […]
The Rich-Get-Richer Model in Games
In the wildly popular online MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) League of Legends, the effects of the rich-get-richer model can be seen fairly clearly. This network phenomenon appears in nearly every single match played, making itself well-known to nearly all players of the game. In gaming terms, the model is referred to as the “snowball […]
Marketing Through YouTube Stars: Capitalizing on Network Effects
Jeetender Sehdev, a professor at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, studies the phenomenon of YouTube stars. He found that in today’s society, people with extremely popular YouTube channels yield more influence than traditional Hollywood celebrities [1][3]. The insights from his research are relevant for corporations marketing their products, and also because they reflect several […]
How does the rich get richer effect help things go viral? Included is a Buzzfeed link to an article about a blogpost which went viral last week. A humorous look at modern dating, it details an anecdote in which a man asked the female author to reimburse for a coffee date after she rejected him for a second date. The post went viral, with many […]
The Rich Get Richer – Looking Up to Role Models
I read an article that discusses the choice of role models. The writer uses baseball player Alex Rodriguez as a main example. He is incredibly famous and one of the most popular baseball players, but he was suspended for steroid use. The article proposes the idea that the most popular/successful people may not be the […]
Will C919 take over the Chinese aviation industry: a discussion on network effects
In understanding the networks effect on a product’s success, we have learned that a product will only become successful when at the product’s current price and network effects, there is an unfulfilled demand for the product because the product has surpassed its tipping point. Because of this, the demand of the product would continue to […]
The Rich Get Richer: Star Wars edition
Star Wars is an incredibly huge and influential movie franchise. With a current six (seven if one chooses to count the animated feature film) movies, a six season cartoon with over 100 episodes in addition to a new cartoon, several novels, comic books, an entire catalog of old material that was once canon, and billions […]
Bayes’ Theorem on Women in British Politics
First impression, GO: individual has long hair, excellent penmanship, watches HGTV, and studies Computer Science Reflex reaction for most of us would probably be to lazily assume the stereotypes and guess that the individual is more likely to be female than male. However, when prompted to give more thought, we realize the under-representation of women in the […]
The Great Starbucks Cup Controversy of 2015—Fueling the “War on Christmas” with Information Cascades
Each year, Starbucks releases a special edition cup design to commemorate the holiday season. This year’s cups are a solid red color and lack drawings or doodles of holiday designs as in cups past. While previous cup designs or markings, such as the Starbucks’ campaign in March where baristas wrote “Race Together” to spark conversations […]
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