
'Cadence Yellow' single-flowering lisianthus.
‘Cadence Yellow’ single-flowering lisianthus.

Eustoma grandiflorum


  • Lisianthus has tiny seeds, and is very slow to reach transplant stage. Sowing in late January in a greenhouse will result in transplantable seedlings in early May.
  • Growers that direct-seed should insist on pelleted seed, to make the seed visible to the eye.
  • Seed should be sown on the surface and not be buried.
  • Cell trays with 144 to 228 cells have given good germination and seedling size.
  • To avoid long greenhouse seedling period, consider buying seedlings from commercial sources.
  • After germination at 70 to 75 F, grow on at 50 to 65 F to prevent rosetting, the inhibition of stem elongation brought about by warmer temperatures.
  • Rosetting is prevalent in some varieties at temperatures above 72 F during the seedling growth stage, until the fifth leaf pair has formed.
'Arena 1 Green' is a double lisianthus. The frilly petal edges make the flowers look fuller.
‘Arena 1 Green’ is a double lisianthus. The frilly petal edges make the flowers look fuller.


  • In the protected environment of the high tunnel, lisianthus seedlings grown in small seedling cells can make good growth after transplanting.
  • Avoid delayed transplanting and crowding in the seedling tray which could permanently stunt the plants.
  • Allow 60 to 75 days from transplanting to flowering.
  • Spacing in the plant bed of 6 x 6 in. is common; at 9 x 9 in., plants produce more branches, but give lower overall yield.
  • Use horizontal 6-inch-square netting to help keep plants upright.
  • Pinching the plant apex to leave 6 lower leaves has not increased yields in our trials, and delayed flowering by about 10 days
'Vulcan Pink Picotee' lisianthus
‘Vulcan Pink Picotee’ lisianthus


  • Lisianthus varieties are either single- or double-flowered, with a range of flower colors in each type, ranging from white, cream, green, pink, blue and purple.
  • Darker edging of petals (picotee) and darker flower centers add interesting color variations to some varieties.
  • Earliest varieties will begin flowering in late June from a February sowing (eg. Echo series, Group 1). Late varieties can be a month later, but will have longer stems (Group 3). Varieties in Groups 1 and 2 have shown good adaptation to high tunnel production in New York State.
  • Ruffling of petal edges makes flowers appear fuller even with fewer petals.
  • Spray types with small single flowers (Fioretti) provide additional variation in lisianthus types.

Postharvest Handling:

  • Lisianthus has outstanding vase life, commonly up to 14 days or more.
  • Commercial vase life solutions stimulate bud development and aid vase life.

For more information, see: Armitage, A.M. and J.M. Laushman. 2003. Specialty Cut Flowers, 2nd Edition. Timber Press, 586 pp. Available through ASCFG.