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Cornell University

Design assets

Landing page guidelines

These guidelines will help you create beautiful Giving Day profiles and campaigns on the Giving Day website.

Read the guidelines


Files named GD-logo are full-color versions. Use the GD-dark-logo on light backgrounds. Use the GD-white-logo on dark backgrounds.

square logo
Square logo
Horizontal logo
Horizontal logo

simple logo
Simple logo

Print and digital versions

JPG or PNG versions of the logo are available for your online and printed materials. Be aware of your background and leave space between the Giving Day logo and other elements.

Download logos for print

Download logos for the web

Vector files

Vector files are also available for download. Use good design sense when using them. Do not alter the logo shape, color, or typography. Be aware of adding background colors and how they contrast with the logo.

Graphics templates


Instagram/LinkedInInstagram/LinkedInInstagram storiesFacebook
Canva Giving Day Instagram/LinkedIn templateCanva Giving Day Instagram/LinkedIn templateCanva Giving Day Instagram stories templateCanva Giving Day Facebook template

We are excited to provide several options for you to create your own college/unit specific social media graphic via an easy-to-use Canva template. These templates, and any graphics you create, should be for internal use only. That is, graphics created using this tool should only appear in efforts and posts generated from an officially sponsored Cornell channel with the support and knowledge of a college/unit Giving Day lead.


  1. Click the link for the template you’d like to use.
  2. With the template open in Canva, click “File” in the top left corner, then “Make a copy.”
  3. Create your image(s) in the Canva editor.
  4. When you’re ready to save your image(s), click the “Share” button in the top right corner, then “Download.”
  5. The file type can be left as PNG. The size is already optimized and does not need to be adjusted. Use the “Select pages” dropdown to choose the pages you’ll need, and then click the purple “Download” button.
  6. Upload to your social media platforms.

QR codes

We have generated a QR code for each college and unit. These work great for signage and will be active only through Giving Day.

We’ve also generated a QR code and bitly you can use to point directly to the Giving Day game: game QR code


College/unit signage

college unit sign

We will print an A-frame sign for each college/unit to be delivered the week of Giving Day. Feel free to make use of these designs (link coming soon) for any additional printing!

College/unit slide decks

We encourage you to spread the Giving Day word wherever you can! With students, faculty, staff, volunteers—whomever will listen. So you don’t have to start from scratch, feel free to use a Giving Day Power Point template or Giving Day Google Slide template to help tell your story!

Video bumper

Place this clip at the end of your own videos to connect your visuals with the Giving Day brand. Don’t forget to include a call to action and the Giving Day website URL at the end of your videos.

Download the clip


Color palette

  • Red: Calls to action, headers, and body links
  • Blue-gray: Secondary calls to action
  • Light blue: Tertiary accents
Light blue