Fruition Livestream: Summer Recap

In the past three months, those tuning into the Fruition Local Foods Livestream have gotten a significant taste of the north county’s food scene. This series gives viewers a chance to really get to know the people behind the businesses. Interviewees shared how and why they grow, cook, and sell the food and products that they do. Viewers have the chance to win prizes that are generously donated by the farmers and chefs on the program. Past viewers have walked away with a Thanksgiving Turkey, gift certificates, and fresh local honey, just to name a few. Celebrate the growers and makers in our community and tune in for the next showcase this Wednesday, August 18th from 7 to 8 pm.

Each month features three unique farmers or food entrepreneurs. Here are some of the tidbits we’ve enjoyed so far from each month. 

May Showcase 

During the first-ever local foods showcase the Livestream provided some insight into the culinary magic that is happening at Big Spoon Kitchen in Potsdam. Owner and chef Will Trithart shared how meals rotate weekly based on seasonally available items. 

Eight O’Clock Ranch has continued to provide their customers near and far, with a range of delicious and healthy meats. We heard from owner Kassandra about how their business model started off nearly 20 years ago with sales mainly by mail but has since shifted in the past few years to predominantly local sales. Read more Fruition Livestream: Summer Recap

Social Media Strategies for Producers


Social media can be a great tool to use to communicate and interact with current and potential customers. You can post farm updates in real-time with your followers and share what is available for purchase. About 1 in 4 social media users use social platforms to discover, learn, purchase or recommend products or brands, so it’s important to have an online presence.

Here’s our tips for best practices to keep your customers engaged online, with examples from area farms and food businesses in the north country.

Post with Consistency 

Be active on your account, your followers will notice when there have not been any updates in a while. Share current happenings on your farm or what projects you have been working on. Having a lack of posts or interaction on social media can be the reason your followers and other potential customers are not seeing your content. With consistent regular posting, you can have customers look forward to seeing you and your farm updates. Try setting goals on posting consistency each week, maybe aim for 2-3 posts to start and then adjust accordingly based on your available time.

Visuals Matter Read more Social Media Strategies for Producers